Advanced Exam Passed

Good luck with the GCSE Derek. If you want any help, just email myself, or indeed Jimmy. Jimmy has got better grades than me in maths exams, but I have a teaching qualification!

To M0HGY: I agree with everyone who says that 5MHz will be an ideal SOTA activating band for you. You can have first dabs on the 817 and the 60m dipole when we go activating if you want to do 5MHz.

Jimmy’s news has been the talk of the GB3VT repeater last night and today. And I thought that I was a bit of a “self-publicist”! (Although I do have a letter printed in yesterday’s Macclesfield Express!).

Magnificent photo on the front of Radcom Andy - did you do that on a timer, or were you accompanied? I recall Barry GM4TOE being on the front of Radcom a while back as well, and of course Jimmy was once the cover boy on a PW (back in his dark old M3EYP days).

Has anyone else made the front cover of a ‘glossy’ doing SOTA?


In reply to M1EYP:

If you want proper pictures taking of the activator on an activation you get Sarah, Mrs. FMF to do it. She took the one of me on Tinto in the snow that won a prize from Ham City of LA. They used it in their adverts in QST magazine in 2009. She took a few photos that afternnon as she need to keep moving to keep warm, it was -12C but absolutely no breeze. It didn’t feel at all cold until the sun started to get near the horizon, then it did feel like -12C. It’s from December 2010, the last time we had serious snow. The car heater was on full and internal recirc all the way home and the frozen condensation inside the car didn’t melt till we were home. The car said it was -14C as we dropped down into Edinburgh and it warmed up to -10C back home :wink:

We didn’t take any photos on last year’s outing as the WX was a bit miserable. We’ll be up there again this year sometime between Christmas and New Year as it’s one of my favourite summits. Also I have a New Year’s Day activation planned for the pair of us. Some 2 opportunities to gain bonus glamour points.

I still haven’t seen the cover and I gave Elaine at the RSGB a few pictures to select from so if someone fancies scanning it and letting me have a copy I’d be grateful.


Hi Derek,

Thank you for congratulating me. Good luck with your GCSE Maths course. I hope you pass your Advanced exam one day.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:
Been out of circulation for a few days so just saw this news. Congratulations Jimmy and hope to work the new call sign sometime soon.
73 Jim g0cqk

In reply to M0HGY:

Congratulations Jimmy, don’t be put off by the apparent lack of activity on 5MHz, just because you have an NOV doesn’t mean you have to use the band straight away, but it will mean you have the option when you do need to use it, for example, for an S2S or if 40m SSB is not working well enough or is full of contest stations.

5MHz is so much easier in those situations.

Well done & Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

In reply to M1EYP:

Has anyone else made the front cover of a ‘glossy’ doing SOTA?

I recognised Andy 'FMF straight away on the new RadCom. I haven’t personally made it on to a glossy cover yet, but my home brew SOTA 10MHz rig made it on to December RadCom’s front cover :slight_smile:

I was granted my 5megs NOV back in summer in readiness for winter. I have yet to venture on to 60m but my FT817 is ready to go, I did the hardware mod at the same time as fitting a CW filter.

Maybe an M0HGY to M0CGH 60m SSB S2S is a possibility in the future, it will feel a little odd to use a microphone!

73, Colin

Thank you Mark and Jim for congratulating me.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M1EYP:

Magnificent photo on the front of Radcom Andy

I’ve just seen it thanks to Gerald.

I can only say that I feel quite honoured for them to have not just selected it but to have printed it so big and with very little text over it. That’s an early Christmas Present.

Of course the real star is the photographer behind the lens. So it’s my XYL Sarah who deserves the credit and she’ll be receiving the fee as well. I just sat there in the snow looking pretty :wink:

It was December 2009 not 2010. How time flies when you’re having fun.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Maybe the reindeer will get through to deliver your RadCom tomorrow Andy. I hear there’s a thaw on the way. :wink:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to M0HGY:

Well done Jimmy on the new call hope to work you soon.

Terry G0VWP

In reply to M0HGY:

Congratulations on the new call sign Jimmy, hope to catch you on a summit very soon.


Also with an allocated call :o)

In reply to M0HGY:

Excellent News Jimmy, Well done

I also like others struggled with the maths, but Im sure being the son of a maths teacher certainly helped

Ive been away from the hills for some time, but am hoping to get back up soon, albeit smaller ones now

I am looking forward to getting your new call in the log and so is Elaine ISWL G21209



Hi Terry, Carolyn and Tony,

Thank you for congratulating me.

I have got a grade A* in A-level Maths and an grade A in A-level Further Maths which are better them my Dad M1EYP’s A-levels in Maths and Further Maths. I think it is because of doing these A-levels, I knew to to answer the Maths questions in the Advanced exam.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to G3CWI:

Are you the same Benny that is on the front of the January edition of

Well, he’s certainly wearing a Benny hat!

Not many people on this reflector are old enough to remember what a Benny hat is

Well done, Jimmy! CU on 5 MHz … you know you want to be there, really!

Walt (G3NYY)

Hi Walt,

Thank you for congratulating me.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:
M0HGY - sponsored by Mrs Baxter’s soup?
Well done Jimmy. First rate. 5MHz NOV and operating abroad are now within your grasp.
73 es sd
David M0YDH Y = youthful here!]

Hi Jimmy,

Thank you for telling everyone that you got better grades than your maths teacher Dad in A level Maths and Further Maths.

Just you remember who it was that first taught you trigonometry when you were 9 years old young man!


Thank you David for congratulating me.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:

WELL DONE Jimmy :smiley:

Best 73
Gareth (M0MOL)

Thank you Gareth for congratulating me.

Jimmy M0HGY