Activation of G/DC-008 - More Clothes Still Required!

I activated Hensbarrow Downs G/DC-008 this afternoon, timing the activation for the afternoon for a better chance of reaching NA. I used my usual rig of IC-705, AH-705 tuner and Bandspring end-fed wire with long counterpoise.

I also packed a 10m delta loop with the intention of trying this at the end. However, I didn’t use it because yet again I got too cold! After my frozen High Willhays activation about 10 days ago this time I wore my down jacket - but I still got cold. It must be an age thing. :slight_smile:

But the CW went a bit better, up to the point where my hands and brain froze. At least I worked each band until all callers were answered which was an improvement over my last activation.

The tally was:

7 QSOs on 30m CW
1 QSO on 17m CW with EA5GURU/P on EA5/MU-089
3 QSOs on 15m CW of which 2 were into NA
10 QSOs on 40m SSB best DX with Dinos, SV3IEG. I was kicking myself afterwards for forgetting to say something about the terrible train accident in Greece.

The vehicle thermometer was showing 4.5C when I got back to it so it was probably a little less on the summit. I had brought my tarp with me but didn’t set it up - a mistake!

I will work out how to keep warm eventually!

Huge thanks to all chasers and sorry for asking almost everyone to repeat their callsign!

Some maps:

The “office”. It is is an odd, industrial location.

I have read reports of activators struggling through gorse and heather to reach the summit here but today I found a route which is a track all the way to the top.

From the car park take the narrow path towards the hill but after a short distance turn right through the metal gate. Turn left onto the wide track/road and follow this until you reach the point where it levels off before it starts descending. A track turns off left here, follow it but almost immediately bear right and follow this up to the summit area. There was a big rock here which I set up beside with clear views south and west.


Well done on the activation.
re “I will work out how to keep warm eventually!” you and me both, but by then it’ll be summer time! :grin:



We are off to Spain at the end of the month where hopefully we will find some warmth!

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Hi John,

It’s great to see the vegetation is taking over the slag heap. When I activated the summit in the November 2017 Trans-Atlantic S2S event it was mainly grey slimy china ckay waste. However, it didn’t spoil the visit as the summit has a great take off to the States and I worked 7 S2S over the pond. Pleased to read you managed to get over there as well. I might give the summit another go sometime as my daughter lives just a few miles away near St A.

73, Gerald


Gerald, I am sure I could have had more contacts over the Atlantic today given warmer weather. I must revisit it in summer, it is an easy 60 minute drive from home.

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Thanks for the QSO today on 40m. Layering up upon arrival on the summit is always the first thing I do whether I am cold or not. Hopefully speak again on 40m on Friday.
73, Robert

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Layers. I have fine wool as the first two levels. Light gloves so I can still use phone pen etc. Hat and a headover are great to keep on top of it. Myself sitting there last weekend for an hour and a half at 779m it took me the rest of the day and an electric blanket to warm me up.

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Robert, thank you. I think my problem is I need to bring more layers!

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I tend to dress in many light layers at this time of year, under armour t shirt then underarmour long slieve, light fleece gilet then my wallmart mossy oak cammo top for the hike in, on top of that goes a heavy fleece then a soft shell jacket when i get to the summit with gloves and a wolly hat and the hoods of the camo top and the heavy fleece up as well, keeps me warm for over 2 hours usually

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Hensbarrow Downs being a man made lump has few features to provide shelter. There are a few boulders around, but that is all. I used a tarp to provide shelter against the flow of air over the smooth surface of the hill.

As far as clothing is concerned, I have always used layers. A merino base layer with long sleeves is a good start. Currently I overlay that with a Berghaus technical fleece and a Paramo jacket. It works quite well over a wide range of temperatures, the jacket even providing insulation against the sun when it shows its face. I tend to walk with the fleece and jacket zips open to regulate temperature and zip them up when I arrive at the summit. I am in the course of researching which down jacket will suit me best and this will provide me with greater flexibility against the cold.

If you want to test how good your clothing is, get out onto a hill in the November session of the Trans-Atlantic S2S event. Four hours or more out in the elements certainly is a challenge.