A VHF handy can save an activation from failing

When on the mountains I use to carry a VHF handheld with me despite I don’t use it very often.

Sometimes I doubt whether it does worth, but it is a just in case gear, you never know if you’ll have any issue in the mountain

Yesterday I went to activate Mt. Baratxueta, EA2/NV-068, carrying my trUSDX HF gear. Depending on the weather, the time I’ll have and the bands or modes of choice I grab a different rig from my collection and take the corresponding set of gear with it.

Yesterday, once in the summit I installed my EFHW aerial and when I tried to connect the coaxial I discovered I had forgotten a BNC – RCA adaptor. Yes, that silly missing little connector was a no-go for my HF activation, doh!
The guilty setup:

I then took my VHF handheld put a spot and gave some CQ calls.
Thanks to it I got 13 QSO in my log, including 3 S2S summits with @EA2DCA / @EA2DNO, @EA2EUS & @EA2EEB. A good end thanks to the VHF!

Good VHF propagation and DX
In the afternoon I received the good news from two of the friends I worked S2S, who had worked some nice DX on VHF.

First, Alberto & Iratxe EA2DCA/ EA2DNO had worked CT1DHM at 481 km far away. They activated with a handheld and telescopic whip as well!!

And Mique, EA2EUS, reported a good DX with F4HKH, near Paris, at 683 km distance, wow! Mique activated with a handheld and 1 meter long vertical dipole (homebrew Flower pot antenna). Congratulationes for them!

A succesful activation in my belt
In the end, it was a good very cold but bright sunny day and a good time on the radio.

Here you see some pictures, including a nice view of the Pyrenees from the summit. Even without the handheld it would have worth it!

The waking up in the cold wet morning

73, Ignacio


I carry my Icom v86 7 watt vhf with me. I dont use it barely ever mostly for completes when out with another activator. But like you said its always good to have.

73 de VE6JTW


Well done, Ignacio! I’m glad you could save the activation and even worked some S2S on VHF.
Thanks for the report and the nice pictures :slight_smile:

On most activations I carry an HT for the very same reason. So far it has never come to the extreme. Only once - due to a stupid mistake - I thought that my HF rig was broken and was about to deploy plan ‘B’ (i.e. VHF) Then I spotted the mistake (confused headphone and paddle plugs while talking to visitors).

73, Roman