A night atop Kirk Fell (G/LD-014)

I once walked early morning past some campers on the edge of Stickle Tarn. They can’t have been more than a metre from the footpath. That got me thinking that one day I’d like cook and eat my early morning bacon bap slightly upwind. That’s just the evil in me. :tongue: Obviously I wouldn’t be sharing…

However, given the choice between packing a saucepan or an extra radio battery, the battery wins every time. Don’t think the tinned mackerel will have quite the same effect. :smiley:



Had the same thing when I was on Steeple in 2020, but then I met the guy Black Crag operating the drone and ended up in one of his videos 1 min 46 seconds in you can see me setting up for a VHF WOTA activation.

If it wasn’t yet another thing to carry up a summit I’d consider it. Unfortunately a good friend who was very into drones has given it up, otherwise I’d have dragged him up a summit at some point. I think he lost one drone too many…


That was a good report and a great read. I too came off Gable in thick mist heading for Windy Gap and Brandreth, and but for Magellan we might have descended the “quick” way. Thanks for bringing these places alive.

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Well I am obviously one of the ham world’s slowest video editors. But at long last I found a free evening and some renewed enthusiasm to get in and edit the video of my Flinders Peak VK3/VC-030 activation from back in February, in which I work Matthew M0MZB (mentioned at the top of this thread) on Kirk Fell S2S and 2xQRP.

Video link below … it’s a nice illustration of VK3 late afternoon conditions, both RF and environmental, which were both good. Wx a warm mid 20C after a high 30C summer’s day. And RF-wise, conditions also good, judging by the strength and consistency of the Big Gun European 14MHz chasers. You can easily hear the ethereal ‘flutter’ on the Eu stations presumably due to multipath, becoming more noticeable as the sun sets.


Great to see the other end of the qso. Indeed, its absolutely marvellous…thanks for posting the video.


I concur. How marvellous to see the two ends of a QSO.


Well done, Matthew!

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Great video, thank you.

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You did well to pick out the weak S2S on the speaker. I have to do CW with headphones even with strong signals and it would be impossible to pick out a weak signal from a speaker. My homebrew rigs don’t even have speakers!

73 Richard


To be honest I would probably pick out weak sigs better with headphones, but I prefer a speaker so that my smartphone video recorder can pick up the rig’s audio. Even if the video is never edited, I like to have the activation recorded to confirm anything I mighy have missed.

I know the audio could be split to two loads, but I haven’t got around to trying that yet.

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I’m the same. Listening to weak-signal CW on the (poorly-located) KX2 loudspeaker in the open air can be difficult at the best of times. But it’s impossible when sheltering from the wind and/or rain under a tarp (or in a tent). The noise of the flapping tarp/tent inches away from my head forces me to use either over-the-ears Bose headphones or clip-over-ears earphones with a close-fitting woolly hat.

That lesson I learnt from failing to work Transatlantic S2S stations one very stormy day in a tent …

One saving grace is the joyously low background noise on the HF bands away from civilization. [At the risk of boring you again with this old anecdote] the first time I used my KX2 on summit, the S0 noise on 30m on switch on convinced me something was broken (e.g. antenna), Then I tuned around and a strong CW signal nearly blew the headphones off my ears.


I had that happen on 30m with my 817. I was convinced I had a fault until I tuned across a loud signal with the audio gain turned up which was not a particularly pleasant experience.

I always use headphones regardless of mode and band… the only slightly worrying issue is that I suppose I could be attacked by someone I’d not heard approaching. I have a similar concern in relation to wild camping after a friend of mine was attacked while wild camping in Norway of all places, but in general those involved in such criminal activities don’t tend to climb hills. :grinning:

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I’m always so engrossed in the task of doing CW that that could easily happen to me. Any distraction (walkers, biting insects, sheep chewing my antenna supports) causes me to miss copying or make sending mistakes