Hey everyone!
My Youtube channel has a new segment I created called “A Mountain Top Moment.” I would like to open this segment up too all of you as activators and or chaser (we can make something work for that).
I would love you add you too the line up and share you’re advice or tip’s anything you think should be shared with new activators, new hams, new chasers etc. for Sota/hiking/climbing/CW you name it.
In order to add it to my channel I need a HD quality video sent to my email and it does not need to be scripted or rehearsed. Just off the top of your head while you are on a summit. 5 minutes long max and 1 minute on the short end.
My email is ve6jtw@gmail.com and in the subject put : Mountain top moment.
I have attached my newest MTM video featuring Malen VE6VID and from there you can find the first one.
I really look forward to hopefully adding your wisdom to my channel.
73 de VE6JTW, Jesse