A beautiful February activation.

On Feb 1/24, I hiked up To the Barrier lake fire lookout VE6/JF-088.

The temperature normally here in Southern Alberta for Feb is -10 to -20c on this morning it was +5 leaving the parking lot and on the summit it was +14c my thermometer was sitting in the sun and said +20.

The band conditions were really good on both 30m and 20m 16 contacts and two S2S contacts.

I did finally start making videos again and this activation was the first one. I will leave the link on this post and will share some photos.


Where’s the snow Jesse ??!!! Nice photos. Mike, WB2FUV

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Scary right Mike! El nino has been doing some weird things we have little to no snow pack in the rockies and foothills where there should be 3 or more feet of snow. It’s going to be a bad year for drought and forest fires up here.


Jesse. Looks like a perfect day for an activation. You sure have a lot of nice peaks up there. I might have to come up for some Alberta peaks. Paul, VA6MPM, is north of Calgary and I might do some peaks with him next summer.

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Yeah Paul is up in innisfail I think, Im just north west of Calgary. Let me know if you do come up here it would be awesome to meet in person and go activate.

Jesse, I’ll let you know if I get up there.

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Sounds good!