A basic transceiver, a bit of wire and two hills

Happy Easter Jimmy.

I self spotted at 0956z for Seager Hill. I qualified the summit. I’m deffinatly counting down, I need the challenge :blush:

I’m thinking of doing the old WB-001 to finish off :blush:

Sorry Carolyn, I didn’t notice that spot earlier. Good luck with activating the G/WB’s to reverse other and enjoy Black Mountain GW/SW-041 (ex G/WB-001) for your final one. Maybe after this 24/24 challenge next.

Jimmy M0HGY

24/24 is far too silly even for me :slight_smile:

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My ex 23cm contest set-up needs an airing in the summer again. Last year there was a little bit of ssb activity but that dropped off because of the lack of chasers and activators.

The frustrating thing is I know there seems to be quite a few big 23cm stations who won’t chase SOTA :disappointed:

No problem with the lack of frequency display I surprised myself how quickly I got used to it. More disconcerting is not knowing if I’m transmitting any RF. Its a bit like having stop/start on a car, not knowing whether it will start again :slight_smile:

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I know exactly what you mean.

Just ask and your wish will be granted - trouble is the three of us are in IO87 which may challenge your qrp :frowning:

I can generate something in excess of 600W ERP portable on 23cm if needed, not really QRP :slight_smile:

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This has the makings of another SOTA special event!

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I don’t know if it’s the same for others but it’s a struggle getting contacts on 2m here in IO77 let alone any of the centimetre bands. I’d be willing to invest in the gear and to try 1.2Ghz if there was anyone around.
Off topic slightly but there maybe be some increase in digital (dmr) activity around 70cms in Inverness with the new repeater coming online soon. GB7BI

With height and a good wind it should be possible to work you especially if i keep an eye out for airplanes to scatter from. If you want to try PM me and I will see what can be done

There are at least four well equipped 23cm stations within spitting distance of Inverness (and I can think of about four more who would be workable).
Don’t delay, try today :grinning:

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I’ve yet to make a QSO and very much QRP, just getting started:

But I’m certainly intending to take this up a GW/NW or G/SP summit quite soon.


This is novel, hijacking my own thread :grinning:

Inside is a Khune MKU 13G3 transverter, W6PQL sequencer, the amp is from W6PQL kits which was self limited to 10W


This is what I use for 23cm activations. 1297.5-fm

In the box is sg-labs transverter and 9 * AA Lithium batts (good for about 3-4hr operation) the antenna rotates for horizontal polarisation.

I can do SSB if I take the FT-817 see activation on G/LD-030 20Mar18 for UKAC.

Do I need a 13cm version for GM/CS-005 Schiehallion in June ?

73 de

Andrew G4VFL.


Well it would be nice! :grinning:

However, I can be persuaded to wander up something local-ish for a 23cms FM S2S if Schiehallion is on offer.

Just over 12 months ago I set myself a little challenge. To do the Welsh Borders region (24 summits), in reverse order, with a home-built-kit SSB transceiver (single band, low power, 40m), simple antenna and with no other transceiver for back-up. The risk was that some part of the system could fail, the transceiver, the antenna or there would be no or poor propagation which would mean no contacts. I didn’t set a time limit to do the summits as I wanted them to be fairly relaxed, visiting summits I had been on many times before. But even after checking conditions so there were a few activations I really struggled to qualify the summit due to either poor propagation or contest traffic. occasionally having to resort to “search and pounce” on CQ calls.

So I’m please to report that I completed the summits within my self imposed limits last weekend while on Black Mountain, GW/SW-041 (G/WB-001).

Looking up to Hay Bluff

Full 1/4 wave 40m vertical

The "shack"

A big thank you to the chasers who sometimes had to work through QRM to make contact. the transceiver turned out to be totally reliable and I had very quickly learnt to operate a unit without any AGC or power out/signal metering!

My mean (average) number of contacts for the 24 summits was 10.8, median was 10.


BTW I now have 13cm capability :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations Carolyn on completing this challenge.

Jimmy M0HGY

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Well done Carolyn. And if your ever heading back to GM-Land checkout GM13. Let’s know your coming and you’ll be surprised the number of SOTA-GM’s and other on 13.

Looking forward to working you on the microwaves.


Very well done Carolyn!
You know that I love this kind of thing! :slight_smile:
I think I ought to take inspiration from you and take part in another self imposed challenge.

73, Colin

Hi Carolyn,

Quite an achievement, well done. I don’t recognise the radio, you say it’s a kit, can you give me any more details?

I am working on completing the 1k points on CW activations. A bit to go yet. These are very worthwhile goals though, whatever mode or band you choose, there are times when it isn’t as easy as it first may seem.

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH