I don’t know if you were on Colin, as I didn’t work you. SOTA summits I did work were Kirkby Moor G/LD-049 (Nick G0HIK & Jordan M3TMX), Billinge Hill G/SP-017 (Stuart G0MJG & Keith G0OXV) and Foel Fenlli GW/NW-051 (Ron GW4EVX).
Up on The Cloud G/SP-015, I had a rather good time. All the other contesters were bemoaning the poor conditions and low activity, while I was compiling my greatest numbers of contacts and multipliers, and my best ever score for a 70cm actvity contest. True, there was no DX from EU (for me, the East coasters got them as per usual), nor even anything from Eire, Scotland or Devon, but I still amassed 56 QSOs in the 2.5 hours, and multiplier squares ranging from JO01 (Kent) to IO74 (Derry).
As I was setting up, two ladies passed by, and proudly informed me they would be spending the evening in the heather drinking alcohol! I enjoyed working the contest stations and SOTA activators. Many were easy 59 contacts within IO83, whereas others, certainly towards the end were from good distances away in JO01, IO91, JO02 etc.
It wasn’t at all warm on summit, and I did eventually deploy the bothy bag for a bit of respite. I was soon out of it again though, preferring the ease of turning the beam to the warmth and shelter of the bothy bag.
Aroung 9.30pm, the two ladies walked back again, informing me that they had drank all their wine, and asking questions about the beam. I had a couple of calls on 70cm FM which added three to the log, and all SOTA chasers as well. The final contact of the evening began at 2126z, and was with Linda G0AJJ in Norfolk. It was a difficult contact, but we had exchanged everything apart from my serial number (56) to her. She kept asking me if it was 16! Three minutes later, and she still hadn’t copied it and I began to worry that we wouldn’t complete before the 2130z deadline. With 30 seconds to go, I sent 56 twice in CW, to which she replied in fone that she had got it. Phew!
After packing away by torchlight and descending, I drove home arriving at 11.05pm. It was thoroughly enjoyable, and I am now looking forward to the 6m in two weeks. Thanks to everyone that called me.