2nd Annual W1 SOTA 2023 Winter Bonus
and Summit to Summit (S2S) Weekend Event!
December 2nd and 3rd, 2023
Operate on any band from HF to VHF/UHF using any mode from any SOTA summit including the 1 pointers. Activate any 2 point or higher summit in the W1 Association and receive a 3 Point Winter Bonus. Target times for activating are between 1600z and 1800z on Saturday and/or Sunday. Please send me an email at bobac1z.nh@gmail.com with any questions and to let me know if you plan to participate including the band/mode you expect to operate on. Lots of participation means more Activator, S2S and Chaser points!
I will assist in coordinating and notifying others of planned activity in this event. Be sure to put in an alert on SOTAwatch so others will be looking for you.
Bob AC1Z
Alton, NH