20m to VK/ZL to EU open daily to QRP - give 20m a go! (Part 3)

I had a qso with Horst OE6STD/|P yesterday morning then low and behold Paul VK5PAS came through to me at 56 to speak to Horst. Alas I couldn’t call him as it was Hoirst’s frequency, so well done Horst on that contact. I’ll keep hoping I catch you one day Paul.
Best 73


Weather dependant, I’ll try to get to DL/AM-001 for 0600 UTC Andrew @VK1AD .
I have been working into VK3 regularly from home around 0600 on 20m SSB, so the chances are good as long as the CME that is due to hit has cleared by Saturday.

73 Ed DD5LP.


For Ed @DD5LP Herbert @OE9HRV and Roman @DL3TU

The Wx forecast for Mt Cowangerong VK2/ST-001 on Saturday has changed. The forecast is showing a 50% chance of rain, of course that also means a 50% chance of no rain :slight_smile:

Just giving you a heads up that I may have to cancel the planned activation. I will provide an update Friday evening VK time (Friday morning UTC).

My plans for Sunday at Mt Stromlo VK1/AC-043 have not changed, Sunday’s Wx forecast is sunny and no rain.

If I do cancel Saturday’s activation of Mt Cowangerong, I will postpone the activation and try again on Saturday 1 October 22 or Sunday 2 October 22.

73, Andrew VK1AD

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Looking at the benign forecast for Sunday I am planning to join in this event. I am not sure of the summit to be used.

Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA


I’m in.

Planning on being on The Cloud G/SP-015 by 0600z both Saturday and Sunday. I’ll take just a 20m GP vertical antenna, but will be QRV on CW, SSB and FT4.

For the digimode, I’ll use FT4 rather than FT8 as it is more sparsely populated, and therefore better to support S2S QSOs and contacts with SOTA chasers.

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Hi Andrew,
Understood. My activation is also Wx dependent. At the moment, it seems the morning here on Saturday may suffer a little drizzle but not more than that. From late Saturday afternoon through all of Sunday, constant rain is forecast, however, so I won’t be able to get out for Sunday.

By the way, all bands up to 10 metres have been open today, including EU-VK contacts on 10m (but not by me, I got on the band just as it closed), so higher bands may be interesting as well at the weekend.

73 Ed.


Hi Tom…will loook out for you with FT4.

Geoff vk3sq


I might take an antenna for 17 & 15m too then. Weather still looking ok for Sunday here


Today at FL/VO-091… in the middle of the forest, with KX2 (10W) and 9,8m vertical and single radial…

condx are quite good

73 Armin


I will proceed with Saturday’s activation of Mt Cowangerong VK2/ST/001 as planned. I plan to open on 20m SSB around 0530 UTC. The sun will set at 0805 UTC.

73, Andrew VK1AD


Here are the currently alerted activations around 0530/0600 UTC on Saturday:

I’ll try to get operational by 0545 but certainly, 0600 should be possible. 20m to VK has been staying open from 0530 until nearly 0800 UTC lately.

73 Ed.


I’m out on Sunday, posted an Alert Mt.Cooke VK6/SW-031. Rain forecast here tomorrow, Sunday looking fine at this stage.

John VK6NU


The weather forecast doesn’t look good for the whole weekend. I set my alert for Sunday where the grey is expected to look more friendly :laughing:
QRV 06:00 UTC, maybe a bit earlier. KX3@15w and vertical EFHW dipole.

Hope to see many of you!
73, Roman


WX not favorable here, either. Would have enjoyed more SOTA DX!

73, Markus

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three Italian ham will be on Mt. Barro I/LO-291, IW2OGY Luca, IU2IJW Martino, IW2OBX Roberto.
one station per band 20-17-15. If VK ZL stations work one of us, could you wait the other two.
We will qrv at 6:30 local.
The rain will expected at 8:00 8:30 local.
have a fun!

Roberto iw2obx


:muscle: :crazy_face:


Hi all!
We will be QRV at 0430Z. It is expected to rain at 0600Z,
I really hope the bands will open before 0530Z and the rain
will be late this time!

We will call on 14mhz 18mhz and 21mhz with three different rigs and antennas.
The first of us that hears from VK and ZL will be joined from the other operators at his rig,
then we would operate frome that rig as OP1 OP2 and OP3.

It will be challenging and fun, if it doesn’t rain too early!

73 de IU2IJW



Yes, the condx are actually pleasingly good. This is also reflected in the fact that quite a lot of activators can realize dx QSOs, even with only 5 watts.

And the vertical antenna you use does not have a particularly high antenna gain on the 20m band (0.21dBi@20° elevation). What is special, however, is that there is practically all-round radiation on this band, i.e. the directivity in the direction of the radial is only very marginal.

As can be seen from the EZNEC elevation graphs, the angle for dx is most optimal on the 17 and 20m band. On the other hand, the bands 15 and 12m have a steep radiation, with only a small gain at flat radiation angles.
But it wouldn’t surprise me if, with these good condx, dx QSOs could also be realized on these bands, hi.

73 es dx, Heinz

Heading out now to VK3/VC-037 hoping for some S2S on 20m.
I’ll be on air from about 0530z all going well.


Hi Peter,
fingers crossed - there’s no rain here yet and I should be on DL/AM-001 by 0545 UTC on 20m SSB.

73 Ed DD5LP.