20 QSOs and wolf, lynx or wolverine track...

I spent a long time hiking up to LA/HM-046 Flotsberget today. The reason for this was that I saw an animal track twice on the hike up. I just had to find out which animal gave me a highlight of my sota trip :slight_smile:

I thought it was wolf, but a friend of mine thought it was wolverine when I sent him pictures. We therefore had to send the picture to a researcher, and he determined that it was lynx. (Eurasian lynx =Lynx lynx ) Wow! What an experience!

At the top there is an open hut owned by the Norwegian Tourist Association, it was a bit windy so it was good to be inside. Radio wise it was also a very good day with a total of 20 qso’s divided between some locals on 80 and 40m and then the bulk on 20m


And the Lynx forgot it’s snus in the snow :rofl:

I found some tracks some years back at the summit Langfirst. It is on the edge of Nationalpark Kalkalpen (National park limestone alps) and there is a small population of lynx resettled there.

What a nice and rare encounter. I can understand the exitement.


All cat prints are wider than dog’s prints with and not as long. You can can distinctly see how much broader they are than a dog’s print.


I’m a bit overwhelmed with excitement, because what you say is absolutely correct: It is rare to find traces of lynx

Exactly the same happened to me last year on the same summit … I`m still a bit angry with myself that I did not take a photo of the tracks. But it was a remarkable experience!

73 Martin, OE5REO


Hi Knut,

On your open hut you got a reminder to how is a CW report :rofl: :+1:

73, Éric


I took some and shared in our OE SOTA Signal Group


Fantastic, there have been suggestions of the reintroduction of Lynx to the UK. Hopefully this may happen soon.


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I saw this and chuckled.
But why is it there? I am guessing that this is the height (metres above sea level) before they were able to make accurate measurements. The cabin is located exactly at 600