A big congrats to Jürg HB9BIN who has achieved 17x Mountain Goat Status. Well done Jürg.
Andy, HB9JOE
We all each need to buy Jürg an anvil for Christmas in a vain attempt to slow him down!
Very well done.
Congratulations, impressive and thanks for all the activation’s.
73’ Don GW0PLP.
Congratulations Jurg! Unbelievable effort required.
Many congratulations Jürg. Always a pleasure to work you in the bands.
73, Gerald
Congrats, Jürg!
73 Jens HB9EKO
Congratulations Jurg
73 Ivica
Herzlichen Glückwunsch !
… und viel Erfolg und Spaß bei deinen SOTA - Reisen
73 Armin
Amazing, Jürg - averaging ~1200 points per year for 14 years !
Congratulations Jürg,
Not sure where you take the time and energy from to have such a ongoing run
Great achivement!
Have fun with outdoor radio and promote it just like you do.
See you in FH and 73 Joe
Amazing result! Congratulations Juerg!
73 Fabio
Hallo Jörg, Herzlichen Glückwunsch
in3adf markus
Congratulations Jürg, impressive!
As years pass by, there are new ops that start in the program. But there are some others, like you, that are routinely found in the spots window for years!
Thanks for all the QSO, either chasing or S2S.
Good health and MX
73 de Ignacio
Gratuliere Jürg,
zu deinem 17.Montain Goat.
Bleib Gesund.
Grüße Heinrich
Amazing achievement, Jürg!
Herzliche Gratulation, gute Gesundheit, viel Spass und auf viele weitere S2S!
73 Stephan
Glückwunsch zu dieser Sagenhaften Leistung, Jürg
Danke für die zahlreichen QSOs und weiterhin viel Freude bei Deinen Aktivierungen!
73, Roman
Congratulations, Jurg.
But it might take 17 anvils to slow you down, hi!
72, David N6AN
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zu dieser top Leistung
und vielen Dank für all die s2s. Mach weiter so …
73 Arthur
Wow ! Bravo