At my current rate I’ll reach that target in 42.5 more years at the spritely age of 92.
At my current rate I’ll reach that target in 42.5 more years at the spritely age of 92.
Congratulations Jürg!
Very impressive and an unbelievable effort! Well done!
As Andy already said, you need an anvil to slow you down. What about a new SOTA Award, the SOAT Anvil, awarded to activators with let’s say 10x mountain goat on the condition that they carry it on all their future activations.
73 Heinz
Congratulations Juerg for this big achievement and thanks for many qso from Switzerland summits. Have a merry Xmas and a happy new year forward to the 18th goat in your herd.
73 de Claudio
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Jürg, zu dieser großartigen Leistung. Ich wünsche dir ganz viel Glück
und Freude für viele weitere! Bei der Gelegenheit besten Dank für viele schöne Verbindungen
und hoffe auf weitere. Alles Gute für die Zukunft, frohe Weihnacht und gute Zeiten,
Congratulations Jürg, you have an impressive herd!
Thank you for the many S2S with you and it was a great pleasure to meet you by chance at the summit during your 17th Mountain Goat activation on HB/NW-014 (Niederbauen Chulm):
I wish you happy holidays and lots of fun and enjoyment with SOTA!
73, Stefan
Woaw, 17. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und vielen Dank für die QSOs und die S2S.
English translation below…
Congratulations Jürg @HB9BIN on reaching this rare milestone. Wish you continued joy and health while hiking and climbing the many mountains. Thanks also from me for the many QSOs.
Andreas @HB9HCI Many thanks for the report and the background information on your activations. All the best to you both wherever you go.
73 Marcel DM3FAM
Big Bravo to Jürg. That is great. A pause now for Christmas…or Christmas on a summit…
Dear SOTA community
Thank you very much for your congratulations. Sorry, but I had to have the word “anvil” translated.
Nobody can stop me, not even my lovely wife! Although she would like that too. There won’t be a challenge next year. That might slow me down a bit. This year I was almost exclusively QRV with a KX2 in CW on 10 metres with J-Pol or Hentenna from OE9HRV. Tks to Herbert! Next year I’ll be back to normal with EFHW on 40 and 20 metres.
I wish everyone a happy new year.
Vy tks, 73/44 es hny de HB9BIN, Jürg
My son gave me the following T-shirt for Christmas: