UTC NY - Broke all of my records on VK1/AC-043

I finally got around to cutting up over 2.5 hours of footage from UTC NY and my activation.

In summary 77 contacts, 41s2s, including 2 DX S2S - ZL2AJ Warren and John ZL1BYZ within 2.5 hours of activating.
Another Highlight for me was working a S2S with Hamilton Island off the coast of VK4.

Video here:


Here’s another view of that:

Cheers, Rob

Thanks. That pin in the middle of the country is the error in some ones address. But nice view

Nice display, I see on a SOTA page but where do you find it?

That’s cool… How do we do that??

Richard // N2GBR

Well, this is to be found in an updated version of sotamaps which has not yet gone live. We’re still waiting on the MT IT department to finalize the implementation of their own single-sign-on (SSO) system, since the newer sotamaps already implemented that back in June/July last year, and in fact relies on that system to establish user-rights to view/use certain areas of the site. From what I’ve heard very recently, the MT IT SSO solution is almost ready, so it shouldn’t be too long now…

I should add in the MT IT dept’s defence that they are having to attempt to incorporate this SSO system into a collection of very disparate systems, some of which are home-brew (the current sotawatch), and others being partly (http://www.sota.org.uk/) or wholly (this reflector) off-the-shelf software, making it difficult to incorporate the SSO. Sotamaps, on the other hand, has been built in its entirety by li’l ol’ me, so incorporation of the SSO was relatively straightforward.

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