UFT Mont-Blanc 2016

On August 2016 (18-19-20 and 21) F6IGY,André, will set up a DXpedition
on F/AB-001, the Mont Blanc, to make transmissions in CW and phone in
partnership with UFT (Union Française des Télégraphistes). The callsign used
will be “F8UFT” from august 1st to 28th. The expedition will take place on 3
days, according to meteo conditions, and the 40m band will be used in order to
privilege Europe

The team is partly made and André is looking for:

  • 2 CW operators (UFT members or no)
  • 2 Phone operators (one will hold VHF on the base camp)
  • 2 video operators
  • 2 photographers

Video ops and photographers will make a film and a slide show on the
Each member will bring his own equipment.

As of 1 August, the team will perform average and high mountain hikes
for physically training and for altitude acclimatization.
During these mountain trips, CW and phone transmission will occur in
order to improve operators and equipment.

The base camp will be at Camping “Les Marmottes” - Chemin
“Les Doux” - Les Bossons in CHAMONIX-MONT-BLANC.

For more information, contact André at or f6igyandre@orange.fr,

André CHARRIERE - F6IGY - UFT.203.


Hi folks, i wish i can join the team for a CW Sota Fever.
Gerald F6HBI

following my first reply, i am confirmed as CW operator.
For the menu it will/could be: F/AB-126, 048, 015, 003, and of course F/AB-001.
73 from Gerald UFT 1329

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Hi friends,

The next SOTA expedition to the Mont Blanc is growing up.
For now, the team is composed of 12 members.
They are looking for a photographer and a video operator.
If you want to join the team, please contact
André CHARRIERE, F6IGY “f6igyandre (at) orange.fr
Vy 73 !

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I hope we can get the missing ones; i published that on a friend of mine blog who manages a photo club.
By the way, ther will be more summits from F/AB on the air.
Depending of the Wx:
06/08/16 F/AB-126 le Mont Buet
09/08/16 F/AB-048 l’Aiguille de la Tour
16/08/16 F/AB-003 + F/AB-015 Le Mont Blanc du Tacul et l’Aiguille du Midi
19/08/16 F/AB-001 Le Mont Blanc.

I guess F8UFT will give lot of fun to chasers (SSB and CW)
Gerald F6HBI

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Hello all,
Few words to tell about our plan for the Mini-Expedition to Mont Blanc 2016.
The date have changed for the ultime climb to F/AB-001
Normaly it will be the 21first of August.
We will let you know every detail.
73 from Gerald F6HBI

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