Testing hyperlinks to other websites

Just want to test various formats of hyperlinks, that seem to work on the old reflector but not on Discourse anymore:

Those links don’t work anymore:

but this does:

Maybe the hash character ‘#’ is not being recognized correctly.

The problem seems to be the mediaviewer functionality provided by wikipedia. If the static url of the picture is used (via the “view original image” function in wikipedia) the picture will be embedded correctly:

73 Stephan, DM1LE

Stephan - try replacing the hash character # with � as in

enter link description here

It seems, it isn’t possible anymore to delete your own topics

Is there any other way to get rid off test postings like the above?

73 Stephan, DM1LE

Agreed - my attempt also didn’t work, where I was trying to replace the “#” character with various strings, like

  • “%” + “23”, joined together,
  • “&” + “#” + “0023;”, again all joined together

but the system simply translates them into something else, or ignores them :frowning:


Hi guys,

The issue is to do that it is an image. Remove the .jpg and it works.

I’ll check this out shortly.


Hi Rob,

thanks for your help

Using the hyperlink button in the menu above does the trick. Seems that I need strong eye glasses in the near future :slight_smile:


73 Stephan, DM1LE

Tests using BBCode:

which works with no resizing.


None of these standard BBCode representations appear to work to embed a thumbnail of the image into the post [quote]However, this is subject to size limits which is currently 3072kb[/quote] and the original image size is ~470kB.

[li]This one works: where the image has not been resized.[/li]
[li]This one doesn’t work: where the image has again not been resized, BUT where extra parameters (alt, title) have been included.[/li]
[li] [color=#ff0000]This one doesn’t: [/color] - attempting here to resize the image.[/li]
[li]This one doesn’t: , where the width and height parameters have values equal to the width and height of the original image.[/li]

Another test:
[li] with no resizing[/li]
[li] … trying to resize[/li]

Resizing doesn’t appear to work correctly, or to be accepted - neither are standard [img] parameters like alt or title accepted. Which appears to suggest that parameterized tags (i.e. those which include parameters like ’ height=“50” ') are not being accepted by the system. Color (text-colour) also [color=“red”]doesn’t[/color] work.

So, opportunities to use many standard BBCode tags/parameters appear to have been suppressed in this system.


Yes, Rob. Thats the best way.

There are also ways of embedding images into posts if that’s what you want to do. However, this is subject to size limits which is currently 3072kb

73, Jon

Hi Jon,

I’ll check this out shortly.

Don’t hurry. I didn’t want to stress you. I just wanted to accept Andy’s @MM0FMF invitation to use the “Practice Area” for getting familiar with this new forum.

Just an Idea: Maybe a dedicated category for support or help request would be helpful. In this way other users could reply to the request, e.g. like Rob @DM1CM did. Maybe this relieves the MT a little bit. Or is the “Meta” category the correct place for such posts?

73 Stephan, DM1LE

Hi Stephan, you should see a little dustbin icon underneath your post (or possibly an elipsis ‘…’ in which case click that and then the dustbin). Clicking this will set your post for deletion and hide the post. I believe it will then be properly deleted after 24 hours by the system.


Of course the ultimative feature would be a live embedding of the SOTA Mapping view into this post:

Zugspitze on SOTA Mapping Project

But I guess, I’ve to wait at least until Xmas for this feature :slight_smile:

73 Stephan, DM1LE

Aaahh, what a shame I wasn’t a radio ham when I climbed the Jubiläumsgrat (leading to the Zugspitze) solo a few years back - just look at all those unactivated peaks along the route! …but as to embedding of anything to do with the SMP is concerned, recent experience has shown me that the SOTA MT are quite content to keep it, and it’s author, at a respectable distance. And long may it so remain…
