SWL asking for eQSL

I don’t want to get into politics but if the request hadn’t come from Ukraine I probably would have binned it.

But it’s slightly spooky knowing a third party is listening in and recording the QSOs!

Amateur radio is open for everyone per definition. So everyone can listen in. That’s why we are not allowed to use any encryption systems. Nothing bad about that.


John, I also got a lot of QSL requests, probably from the same SWL.

At the beginning, I spend some time with this terrible eQSL interface :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, but after some further requests, I just gave up and stated on my QRZ profile about QSLs in general “… I prefer not to spend precious time with paperwork. Life’s too short!”

73 Stephan


That sounds a much simpler way. I use Swiss Log and when I import the adif file from FLE I create a new QTH for the SOTA summit assuming I haven’t activated it before. Then when I sync with LOTW it warns me there is no QTH for the summit so I have to create one using TQSL.

It would be much simpler if I just logged everything as if it happened from my home QTH. :slight_smile:

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With the old version of Log4OM I had to create a new location (in both Log4OM and TQSL) but with Log4OM 2 I haven’t had to do that. I can even upload with a GW or GM callsign without having to do anything different. I don’t know if this is a change in Log4OM or TQSL or both.

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Thanks, I’ll investigate Log4OM when I get back. It sounds simpler to use. SwissLog can be a bit flaky.

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After some helpful advice on here I figured out I needed an M6GYU/P account aswell.

I do get emails from one SWL in Ukraine from time to time asking for an eqsl confirmation, and he normally lists when and where I was etc., and its easy enough to return them adding the SOTA Ref on the confirmation eQsl he asks for. Its not that often so …

I have made it clear enough on my QRZ page that I don’t want QSL cards either and don’t send them unless the other person asks specifically. If its in my log book then that is good enough for me.

I guess I should simply delete my eQSL account aswell


However, I do have one QSL card I’ve kept for over 50 years…**, given to me in Japan, in person from a Japanese naval radio operator and ham ---- in 1969 !!!

**(I claim my prize £££ :trophy: for the earliest recipient of a QSL from any other SOTA operator on here… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

I guess he’s a SK now.

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Thank you, I think I’m being a bit pedantic. I’ve operated as an EA2/, EA3/ and EA5/ so far on this trip and might add EA7/ and EA1/ before the end.

It might have been better to log everything under my basic callsign - but not on the SOTA logs of course! :slight_smile:

Often when I am activating SOTA summits on HF, I have an SWL in Ukraine who always sends me SWL EQSLs emails me each time wanting SWL ESQLs returning to him. The said SWL in Ukraine has been doing this for a number of years now and I have always returned SWL EQSLs each time I receive an email requesting for his. All my other EQSLs I haven’t checks for a number of years now so I have thousands of EQSLs outstanding which I haven’t responded to.

Jimmy M0HGY


I had an EQSL account for a short time some years ago. But this was too cumbersome for me and I closed the account. Silence and peace since then.

73, DIZ


EQSL is a mess. Too many bogus QSLs coming in from Non-QSOs. I have over
1000 non-matching E-QSLs in my in-box right now. I don’t want to check the log
for all of those. It’s terrible.
But I do upload monthly just because people ask for
them. I do get a lot of SWL requests. When I have time and am in the mood,
I’ll check my log, and if their information is correct I will check the box and
confirm it for them . What the heck. No big thing.
I used to be a SWL back before becoming a ham sixty-something years ago and
used to send out REAL QSL cards to hams. A lot of them replied. It was great!
(At the time it cost maybe 7 cents to send a QSL overseas!).
73, John, K6YK

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