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In reply to M1EYP:

I’m normally pretty fast with Database updates, and usually have them
on before the commencement date of a new summit.

Does that help? My impression is that there is another step to be taken before SOTAwatch sees changes to the “real” database.

Indeed. I guess it helps in that the sooner I do the database, the sooner Jon can trigger an update for SOTAwatch.



In reply to M1EYP:

So who is responsible for the summit pages? Cracoe Fell NP-032 is still in a state of non-completion and that summit became valid last October.

Also I see that currently all of the summit lists and pages are showing zero points. A broken link?

73, Gerald

Jon GM4ZFZ is responsible for the SOTAwatch summit pages. The page for Cracoe Fell NP-032 is there as intended, but there does seem to be a problem with the lat/long data. I will investigate; thanks for the report.

The region lists on SOTAwatch do seem to be showing 0 points for each summit, although all the other stats are correct, and the database is correct. I suspect it is an issue to do with the recent update version of the database. There are other issues as well, of which MT are aware, and we hope to have it sorted within a month. (I would say earlier, but know that some MT have prior commitments in the immediate future).



In reply to M1EYP:

Thanks for the info Tom.