"SOTA Isn't Competitive"

In reply to MM0XXP:

All we need now is a mathematical algorithm in the database to give us
our scores!


Several years ago I published just such a proposal:




In reply to M3EYP:

Every hill in the UK you can activate for adventure radio.


As far as I am aware, the “Adventure Radio” award scheme that was announced in March, has not started yet.




In reply to G3CWI:


Dont worry Jimmy, you can continue to activate under the Adventure Radio banner, I do, and speak to some really nice people, from hills, trains (Settle to Carlisle steam railway) while fishing at Heysham, anything really as long as you enjoy it.


In reply to G3CWI:
Great points scheme which I think we should adopt at once. The only modification should be a factor determined by the colour of ones front door. The Times yesterday related house colour to income, and income is an important factor in difficulty of ascent.
I look forward to using the new scheme.

In reply to G3RMD:
Crikey, yes - brilliant!

Add a point for each step in the Beaufort Scale, a term for distance from the nearest real ale pub, and a bonus for how much the soup had cooled before you got to drink it (sorry, Tom!) and it would be perfect!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

May I suggest double points for activations wearing diving goggles/snorkel/flippers and triple points for uphill sackrace activations?

73 Bernhard DL4CW

In reply to DL4CW:

And quadruple points for sending CW whilst wearing boxing gloves!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Excellent! I knew we would find a mutual basis soon!

73 Bernhard DL4CW

In reply to G8ADD:

Brian, that’s my normal modus operandi for CW (at least that’s what it sounds like!)

How about 4x points for first to activate GM/SI-002 and 8x points if they do it with a monstIR (just to keep things low key)

In reply to DL4CW:

May I suggest double points for activations wearing diving goggles/snorkel

That’s standard equipment for Dun Rig GM/SS-052, Bernhard! :wink:


Edit: I see this is the 50th comment in this thread. That should give me a special bonus on my next activation!

In reply to G4OIG:

It was meant as a joke Gerald as sometimes the competitive element becomes to strong in any hobby, hence the :slight_smile: :slight_smile: ! but sorry if it was taken the wrong way… no offence was intended to James. I know exactly what difficulties James would have in Suffolk for activation and amazed if anyone from these locations bother at all. I only have to drive 3 minutes.

In reply to G8ADD:

In reply to DL4CW:

And quadruple points for sending CW whilst wearing boxing gloves!

Hi Brian

And in the case of you and me, - quadruple points for using CW at all!!

Anyway, I think you have to distinguish between those who set themselves
a personal target such as SS or MG, or 1000 uniques, and those who want to
compete with others to be ‘top of the table’. The current format lets you
do both.

Kind regards

Dave G0ELJ

In reply to G8ADD:

It’s a good job you are not into rock climbing, Gerald

I’m a bit too old for this pastime now Brian. I used to do a lot on gritstone in Derbyshire many years ago when I lived in Nottinghamshire. Been there, done the deed and in fact stretched a few ropes sufficient to make them unusable, once in th Lakes with my parents sitting at the bottom of the formation. The ultimate embarassment perhaps?

73, Gerald

P.S. I slept under the trailer of an artic once on the way up to the Cuillins - the only place I could get flat out (it was raining) - well there were 5 of us in a Mini and it wasn’t very comfortable to say the least!

In reply to GM4GUF:

I wasn’t getting at you per se Robert. I just have empathy with those living to the east of me knowing how difficult it is from here in Northampton.

73, Gerald