Congratulations on this achievement. Now for the next 50000.
Great stuff Roy!
Often your are my first contact on a summit!! Good ears!
Tks Sake.

For some unknown reason this post has been revived from the archives, from August 2011 when I reached 50,000 chaser points.

I passed the 100,000 points milestone (in May 2014) and currently have 111,111 points (CW)
Your congratulations are much appreciated, but have already been offered, with thanks.

Please do not continue to post on this historical thread.


Sincere congratulations, Roy, and many thanks for all the times you’ve chased me when I activated. Your outstanding signal and superb operation made a pleasure out of each and every of the many QSOs we’ve had.
I’ll keep looking forward to being chased by you again soon, asuming it will stop raining here one day or other.

Pamplona last Wednesday.
They say we’ve had the most rainy February ever recorded in history.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

<< All CW I think too!

Actually, his log is still pure CW up to its last entry (December 7th… maybe he’s still shaken by the Pearl Harbor attack seven decades earlier?)

Congratulations, Roy! Always a pleasure to hear you on the pileups as a true demonstration that it is not necessary to behave bad to be among the best ones.
73 QRO,