Third NA<>EU S2S Event 18 Nov 17

I guessed as much. As it was still far enough away for the date to be fluid there seemed little point to bother you. I did say in the other thread, the MT could pick the date but it’s better if the people doing the deeds pick a date. I’ll be out either date, one time in a T-shirt and shorts having fun as the African sun warms my bones and once in the old Damarts wishing there was some African sun shining in GM land :wink:


Hmm, who knows where Solar Cycle 24 is headed? You might be needing sun block on a GM summit in mid-November come the solar minimum some time around 2019 - 2020. The other thing you may need is a huge LiFePO4 battery and a linear to participate in these events in the coming years. Oh well, let’s hope that the sun is shining and we can “make hay” this year. It will be interesting to compare with last year’s results :slight_smile:

At the current rate webbed feet or chest waders more likely

Lots of activity in November no matter how you slice it. No solution is going to please everyone but it appears the 18th as your best option. I agree with Barry N1EU that its feasible for those of us in NA to still make the ARRL contest after the EU-NA S2S. Looking forward to another chance to make some S2S across the pond. Last year I had a small group of young hikers hovering over my position listening in awe as I worked various stations in the UK. Perhaps a few ham radio seeds were planted that day…
Mike NS1TA

So are we firm for the 18th then?

Bruce WB8OGK


Well a few of us have already alerted, so I hope so!

As per my comment on the “light at the end of the tunnel” thread, this date “could” coincide with a coronal hole (note CH NOT CME) which, acording to one theory, may bring better propagation conditions.

73 Ed.

Due to a change in arrangements made by other members of the family, it now seems likely that I will be on Hensbarrow Downs G/DC-008 as planned rather than the alternative of a GM summit. Funny how things have worked out in my favour for once. Although DC-008 is far less spectacular, at least I won’t have a 2 hour walk out in the dark. :slight_smile:

Hoping to manage G <> VE this time around.

73, Gerald G4OIG

Just a timing note directed toward EU activators. Sunrise on the east coast USA will be about 1200Z. Speaking for myself, I’ve got about an hour’s hike plus setup etc. So it’s hard to push it much earlier than 1400Z for many of us on this side who are hiking to a summit in rugged terrain (i.e., don’t want to hike in the dark).

73 Barry

Hi Barry,
Noted - we have exactly the same problem when trying for EU-VK contacts from Europe - Summits that require a cable car for part of the journey simply can’t be used as they only start at 9am local time. I’ll move my activation on the 18th. to a bit later but looking at MUF over the last few weeks, I don’t want to move it out too far as MUF drops off at around 1500 UTC very steeply. I have an over 2 hr drive back from my summit, so I don’t want to be too late away either (it’s dark already by 1530 UTC here at the moment).

73 Ed.

I will head up to northern Arizona and activate a summit on the 18th for this event if all goes well.

Last year I made five EU s2s contacts, so hopefully we can do at least that well again. Should to be on around 1400 with about 30 watts and the link dipole (maybe a two element yagi?) on 20 and 17M. Will also be on 15M.

I will be on CW mostly, but will look for SSB s2s stations also.

So “CQ EU s2s.”



Duly noted Barry. Hopefully a few early riser chasers will be able to provide a few trans-Atlantic contacts. I worked George N1GB on 20m as early as 1144z last month. As my choice of summit has a limited area for access (thankfully on the right side of the hill for NA) and is on a slope, I might put up an inverted vee rather than the vertical. Could be interesting. It will allow me to use 30m as well.

Hope to make it again this year Pete. I will have the 857D running around 30 - 40W and hopefully I will be able to spot from the chosen summit.

73, Gerald G4OIG

Last year’s event was absolutely brilliant - I achieved amazing numbers of S2S, NA DX and NA DX S2S in that activation.

Unfortunately, this time I have a gig - in Grimsby :scream: - so I’ve no chance of joining in. Have fun everyone.


Hope we can do it again this year also…I should be able to receive and send spots if all goes well.

Hoping for no snow up north…it’s been dry so far this fall. We shall see!

Will be looking ur way intently!



I’m in weather permitting. I’ll get on the air as early as I can, but there isn’t any way I can meet 1300.
73, Malcolm VE2DDZ

I’ll probably camp out the night before, so I can operate when the bands open in the morning. I had to send my radio to Elecraft for a repair, hopefully I’ll get it back in time. Come hell or high water, I expect to participate. Since I’ll be there overnight I might try 160m.

What’s wrong with TW-005 -it’s a flat wide area with plenty of side of the road options - is it the time that is a problem? But Gigs are usually in the evening aren’t they? So you could activate in the afternoon and then go on to the Gig…

73 Ed.

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Yes, the gig is in the evening. Soundcheck is at 5pm, load-in at 4pm, picking up the vocalist in Salford at 1pm etc etc etc :wink:

I was thinking it would be something like that or you’d have been “up” TW-005 light a rat up a drainpipe!

Not sure what I’ll be doing, probably something simple and quick.


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…a horizontal drainpipe!

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