My end of active chasing

Hi Mariusz,

Sad to hear of your decision but understand the difficulties you face. I would like to thank you for all the contacts you made on my activations normally QRP 5 or 10watts. Only on the last activations did I use an amplifier. You are my joint number 1 chaser. Sometimes it has been very difficult to confirm our reports but you have always been very patient and persistent.

Enjoy the time with your family and hopefully we can work a summit to summit in the future.

Best regards

Hi Mariusz,
many thanks Mariusz for mni mni mni contacts.Also thanks for the adjust in sota watch.The statistics say everything about our contacts and I will miss you.I hope to continue to meet on the bands.
I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Hi Mariusz,
I just came back from the pre-Christmas expedition from the beautiful country of Portugal.
I want to thank you for all the QSOs.
I admire your results with QRP. It is an extremely challenging task in the chasser category.
I usually use 100W of power and sometimes 1kW into several antennas, and it happened that you were the first to call the SOTA station.
I wish you merry Christmas and Happy New Year and I hope we will have a couple more QSO together.
I’m sending you a fresh photo of my hamshack before cleaning.
vy 73 Jan


Hi Mariusz,
I fully understand about how you feel and truly sympathise but I’m sure there is still a place for you in the SOTA crowd. By all means stop going after the unattainable but look to see what targets you can reasonably achieve and change your tack. You know how to activate so perhaps that is your best direction. That way, you won’t have to suffer the noise again. There are other facets of chasing you could try.

It has been recognized from the outset, even before the outset, that SOTA can never remotely be a level playing field (no equality of chances) and that applies to both activation and chasing. For instance I must drive 300km to 500km round trip to activate mountains of 2 points or above because my bit of England has no hills to speak of. I realised I had to activate as many summits in a day as possible if I was not going to wear out what is left of my car. It’s the same with chasing. Geographical location counts for a lot.

I must take this opportunity to thank you for the 30 or so SOTA QSO’s we have had. Because I specialise in LF, I realise that I’m not always reaching Poland but when I do get onto 7; 10 or 14MHz (and a couple on 24), you can hear my 50 Watts almost every time. Your operating is quick and good but I apologise if sometimes you have not been able to get through.

Take a break, change your tack as you plan to do but we don’t want to lose you!

Wesołych Świąt Bożego Narodzenia i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!
CU Agn I hope.
73/ 72, John G4YSS

I would like to thank you all for so many wishes and good words here on the “reflector” as well as received via e-mail,
Once again, I wish you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2018.
Vy 73 de Mariusz SP9AMH


Hi Mariusz,
you was my first chaser today with a fine signal on 60m. I was very happy to hear again. Thanks for your support and all the best to you and your family!

Vy 73 Chris

Dear Mariusz @SP9AMH
I couldn’t help thinking on this chat we had some time ago on the Reflector when all the following spots raised today on SOTAwatch:

Activations taking place in HB9, DL and PA were not copied at all in my QTH neither on 40m nor on 20m. They are activating on 40m CW and finally QSY to 20m CW, forgetting about 30m which right in between and would give them a medium range (longer than 40m and shorter than 20m) which is exactly where I’m located… :frowning:
No problem with that. They are activating were they want and it’s totally up to them.
I just wanted to highlight that life is not so easy when living in the periphery of the continent.
Best 73,


Hi Guru, you should have been on 20 metres around 1200 UTC - stations from North Africa (Ceuta), Russia, Sweden, were coiming in like they were “next door”! There were even US, VK and JA stations in the mix at 5-6 / 5-7 as well. (all SSB) The band was buzzing.

Looks like it’s not all doom and gloom on the bands!

73 Ed.

Sure there were good conditions but not for the distance and the low power of those spotted activators.
Yes, the propagation conditions seem to have had some sort of boost lately. Remember the US activators I chased recently with my balcony endfed wire and mentionned on this Reflector. In addition to that, today, after work, I went to my house in the village to pick up some stuff and as I always do as soon as I enter the house, I looked at SOTAwatch.
Luckily I found an activation just taking place on 20m CW, so I run upstairs, switched on my TS-940S + TL922 and called Ron @NR3E, who was coming with a good 559 signal and immediately picked me up. I called him with nearly 1KW into my TH5-DX tribander yagi.
It’s been snowing here this morning and the house is currently very cold, as I don’t have the heating system running for a just in case. So, the rigs and everything in the shack was so cold that both my smartphone and some front pannel microprocesor of my TS-940S decided to switch-off.
No problem with the smartphone but the TS-940S microprocesor decided to switch off right after having sent my 559 signal report to Ron KI4TN and while I was in the middle of sending him my thanks and 73 to finish off our QSO.
What a big disappointment… :frowning:
I unsuccesfully tried to get the microprocessor back to life by touching buttons, switching OFF and ON the rig, etc, but the rig kept completely quiet and didn’t even display the frequency digits on the screen. I couldn’t do anything apparently.
I finally had an idea and approached an halogen lamp close to the front pannel of my TS-940S.The temperature rise made that within less than a minute or so, the rig came back to life and I was able to copy the band again.
Ron was still on the frequency and he was even stronger than before: 579 now. I called him back again to make sure our QSO was successfully completed and so it was.
Many thanks Ron and congrats for the very good signal you were putting today on my Hy-Gain TH5-DX tribander yagi.

So, yes, Ed, it looks like propagation conditions are improving at least for these days.
Best 73,


Many thanks, Guru, for the contacts today. Yes, conditions were quite good today; I had about four DX contacts with one to New Zealand. On my activation of Mount Mitchell today I was in freezing temperatures with winds blowing at about 40 mph. I didn’t realize that you too were sitting in cold conditions and for that I thank you.

I did log you twice, once at 1726z and once at 1736z. I have several entries for SOTA and will get that caught up in a day or two so you may not see my activation log until then.

73 from Ron, KI4TN

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Hi Mariusz,
Many thanks Mariusz for all the contacts. (177 x) Also thanks for the adjust in sota watch. We will miss you!!
See you results with QRP !!! fantastic! Hope you to hear again!

73, Sake PA0SKP

My top chasers!
1 G4SSH 236
2 SP9AMH 177 QRP!!!
3 DL1FU 173
4 DL3HXX 159
5 DJ5AV 141
6 DF5WA 122
7 G4OBK 118