Logbook software supporting SOTA?

Hi, I have been wondering if there is any free or paid software (Windows or MAC) which supports SOTA. I have started to use UR5EQF logbook which seems to support IOTA, but no SOTA.

At this moment the expectations would be:

  1. Possibility of export to csv file or ideally - to the DB with a button click…
  2. Possibility to log with summits reference in fields making sense for SOTA, other than notes section…

I would appreciate any feedback or hints from SOTA lovers on their logbook techniques and software. Many thanks, cheers!

In reply to SQ6GIT:

Log4OM apparently.

In reply to SQ6GIT:
I use LOG4OM FREE and works great. Rig control, Cluster, LOTW, eqsl, QRZ, SOTA and a lot more.
Dow (W4DOW) #1 Chaser in W4V

In reply to SQ6GIT:

You can find a fairly comprehensive list of SOTA software packages on Christophe ON6ZQ’s website:


There are a number of programs for converting to and from SOTA CSV format to ADIF where you can then use any log program. Or you can use log programs that are already capable of supporting SOTA CSV files.

The latest ADIF specification now includes fields for SOTA but direct support for ADIF import and export to the SOTA database is not an immediate priority.

Aside, I’d like to thank Christophe for producing this list and keeping it up to date. It’s one less job that we have to worry about on the MT.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Great link to add to the FAQ!


In reply to SQ6GIT:
RUMLOG (for Mac) is freeware and generates CSV files (V1 only). 2 clicks, date or range and 4 more clicks required.
The summit ref is in the notes field.

73, Hans PB2T

In reply to SQ6GIT:

+1 for RUMlog on Mac, using it both for chaser and activator logs since I started doing SOTA 3 years ago. Zero problems.

Recently I am processing ADIF exports with KI4SVM’s RUMlog->SOTA app to generate v2 CSV files for import to sotadata. You can get these at http://smkymtns.com/radio/adif-sota/39-rumlog-sota.html

Marcin SQ9OZM

In reply to G3CWI:

Yes the free Log4om program provides

Full support for the new ADIF MYSOTA ref and SOTA ref fields
Analysis of recorded SOTA data
Import and Export of correctly formatted CSV SOTA V2 files
Full summit list support for display and recording of summit reference and name to QSO record
Hyperlink of summit ref to the SOTA Mapping Project

Terry G4POP
Log4om Development Team

In reply to SQ9OZM & PB2T:

Hans, Marcin, I’m sure Christophe will pickup on what you have written. But could you go to his web page and inform him of RUMlog and the utilities so he can add it.


In reply to MM0FMF:

I added RUMlog and RUMlog->SOTA to the list.
Log4OM was already listed.

Please let me know if you have information about other SOTA related software, or suggestions on how to make the list more useful.



In reply to G4POP:


I don’t intend to forklift the thread, but: how does importing Sota CSVs work ? I don’t find it in Log4OM.

Marco HB9CAT ( hb9cat gmail com )

In reply to HB9CAT:

Contact me direct by the email on g4pop (at) arrl.net and I will explain.

It is explained fully on page 116 of the user guide, but I will add another SOTA video to YouTube explains how to do this as well.

I don’t believe the SOTA management would approve of me helping you on this thread

73 Terry G4POP
Log4om Development Team

In reply to ON6ZQ:
Hello Christophe, I am running HAMLOG on my iPAD and iPhone if you wish to add this to your IOS list of SOTA logging programs. I believe the Android version of HAMLOG does not have the SOTA log export function as is supported in the IOS version.


In reply to all:

For logging SOTA Refs for importing in the database I use the Logger 32 program by Bob Furzer K4CY. This is a programme I have used for over 10 years. There is no specific SOTA facility, however I have configured the USER1 field to record SOTA References (e.g G/TW-001). I then export a partial ADIF file specifying the day(s) of my chaser or activator activity. I then use the excellent ADI2SOTA conversion program by Alain F6ENO to turn the file into the correct SOTA CSV format. I then import this file into the SOTA database using the Import TSV/CSV facility. The process takes less than two minutes.

73 Phil

Hi, All

Thank you for your replies. I will test the solutions and pick one for sure. Many thanks again for sharing your experience!

In reply to G4POP:
Thanks, I seem to like Log4OM. Smple and has got everything I need. Sota ref’s seem to work well, at last I can have one log for everything also not SOTA and it all seems o be in perfect order. I only was not successfull either for importing or exporting activations, I need to explore it a bit more (for import, it shows as if the import is successful, but I dont see the data in the logbook after it.; for export, the sotadata page shows errorrs in lines - to be analyzed)

In reply to SQ6GIT:

Please contact me direct by email and I will help resolve your issue. It would upset the forum owners if I provided help to other hams on their forum.

My email is g4pop (at) arrl.net

You can watch the YouTube tutorial about SOTA CSV merge and export here - YouTube this is SOTA part 2 - Part one illustrates logging SOTA contacts with the free Log4OM software

73 Terry G4POP
Log4om Development Team

In reply to G4POP:

It would upset the forum owners if I provided help to other hams on their forum.

No need to keep sniping, Terry, and in any case it contravenes the Reflector AUP.

As I see it (and I am Moderator) helping a SOTA participant to use SOTA-friendly software is not off topic and therefore not a problem.

Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Firstly let me apologise for my delay in responding to your comments but I don’t seem to get automatic notification of replies from this forum (I probably don’t have it set up correctly) therefore I only noticed it when I visited this reflector today.

The comment was not “sniping” it was a reasonable observation that most forum owners would prefer that off topic responses are kept to a minimum so that users can focus on the main theme of the forum.

Solving software issues for users sometimes can result in dozens of questions and responses before the root cause is identified and is handled far better on a dedicated forum where other experienced users of the software can also help, indeed some threads can run to 30/40 postings! We have a forum specifically for Log4om user support as do most software developers.

In the case of SQ4GIT it took quiet a few emails and he also had to send me database files before I eventually identified the problem to be an incorrect interpretation by him of which csv export should be used for SOTA - He was not using the specific SOTA csv export facility and therefore the data was not correctly formatted for upload. Additionally the import routine is a merge and he expected something different, this was probably my fault for not explaining the function fully in our user guide :frowning:

My postings to this forum were not intended to offend the moderators, I am just trying to help other Amateurs by providing free software and advice!

In future I will endeavour to choose my words very carefully to avoid any further unintentional offence to you or Andy. In return I request that we are not again referred to as “the Chuckle Brothers” and that my comments are accepted in the way they are intended.

Terry G4POP
Log4OM Development Team.

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In reply to G4POP:

but I don’t seem to get automatic notification of replies from this forum
(I probably don’t have it set up correctly)

Oh dear, oh dear! There is (AFAIK) no auto reply notification. There is a daily digest sent to the email address you give when registering. But specific notification of replies to threads, no.

If you are not receiving digests then checking the email address is correct would be worthwhile. You can reach it from Edit Account in the top right corner of the page. Failing that check your mail provider for over-zealous spam filtering.
