G4USW Shacksloth?

Congratulations to Bill G4USW on attaining Shacksloth status, well done mate.

73 de Mike GW0DSP

Congratulations Bill

Steve GW7AAV

Ahhaaah. Well done Bill on your 1000 points, always good to work you from a summit, you’re a gent.
Look forward to the next one Bill.
best 73 from Ian G7KXV

Congratulations Bill

73 Graham G4JZF

In reply to ALL
THANKS all, i only started to give the odd points “in case” some of the climbers
needed a contact…it sure can get a grip of you. heres to the next milestone
thanks again Bill G4USW

In reply to G4USW:
And he tells us at the club he’s not really seriously into SOTA :wink: Well done Bill and thanks for all the contacts
Rob and Audrey