Well, after years of pontificating I went and called CQ in Morse.
It was worse than I had feared it would be!
Amelia (10) and I set off up the Gun, G/SP-013, with Morgan the black SOTA dog and built our station. In lovely sunshine and a fresh breeze we were a few meters to the East of the trig point and using a SOTABeams Band Hopper 3 set for 40M but not very high, maybe 5M at it’s vertex.
I had a listen for a while and made sure I was as ready as I could be. I turned the width down on the KX3 to .8 so I was not distracted and plugged in my straight key.
I checked for a clear frequency then put my spot on using the iPad and called CQ. By the end of the first call I had a taker, I think it was ON1??? but other signals soon blocked him.
I had a lovely clear signal from MW0BBU and after a few times around his call I was able to reply and send 599 - easy peasy. Trouble is that I was then outside the VERY limited bolier plate that I had been relying on and the reply was too much for me. I did manage to read the 599 but other bits were lost I’m afraid. I don’t even think I remembered to send him 73 - sorry!.
I managed 3 more contacts and must say a huge thank you for all the patience - one poor soul must have sent his call 20 times before I got it! G4ELZ, G3XYE, and G4WSX all went in the log and by then my poor brain was fried so I went QRT for a while.
My basic problem is that I am OK with the 15WPM characters but I need more time between them to be able to process them, a malady that I know can only be remidied by more practice. The other problem is that if people slow right down to 8WPM or less it is actually harder to read because I learned with 15WPM characters. Of course I also send too fast so people reply at the speed I send.
After a short while playing with Amelia and the dog I tuned up to the SSB portion and had a listen around. I contacted TM3B and G100RSGB before having a nice chat with MW0WYB/P who was on holiday in Wales. A tricky QSO with M3OHA finished off the afternoon and we retreated back to the QTH for a BBQ with the XYL.
So, in summary, THANK YOU for all the patience and repeats, I will keep working on my speed and do the job properly ASAP.