A few updates on my CW progression and a quick report on my first CW experience on Ingleborough.
After watching a few video clips of CW activations I realised I was no were near ready to start learning how to transmit. I had been using the just learn morse code software for the past year with a setting of 20wpm and a character speed of 12 which seemed to work well but when the character speed was increased I found it difficult to copy.
I started to use the G4FON software at a rate of 15 wpm and character speed of 15 improving sharply on my receiving skills, you can alsoget a contest trainer from http://www.g4fon.net/Contest_Trainer.htm
this was useful as when it comes to mixing letters and numbers together I am not the best especially if it has 5, J,W or H in it.
My next part was learning to transmit and which key to use, I had bought a used Hi Mound straight key and a capacitive touch paddle key, I enjoyed using the paddles so proceeded to use them. Luck was on my side when the euro took a dive against the pound I purchased a palm mini paddle and the code cube this has an integrated side tone oscillator which gives a small side tone enabling me to practise whilst away working from a home.
D Day
On the 26th May 2015 I finally found some time to get out for a full day activation on G/NP-005 (Ingleborough), the plan was to start on 2m SSB and then move on to the CW section hoping I wouldn’t attract to much attention to my dodgy CW sending. I had copied a basic format on to piece
of paper and planned to use it;
M0OAT de chaser chaser K (from chaser)
Chaser ur rst 559 559 de M0OAT K (from activator)
RR ur rst 559 559 de chaser K (from chaser)
R TU 73 de M0OAT E E (from activator)
EE or TU 73 de chaser SK
As per usual a busy summit along with strong winds meant that all the good sheltered areas were being used, so I had to make do with a small ditch/dried up puddle area for shelter. It was a bit windy for the 2m beam so decided to work the bands 60-6m with the doublet antenna and the 817. After losing the freq on SSB 40m it was time to try some CW.
After finding a clear freq I left a spot on sota watch and sent a few cq calls out, I was a bit shocked when someone replied G4SSH with 55N(9) all seemed to go well and I replied back. Then it happened I started
sending extra dits and dahs mainly due to holding the key in my left hand to tightly (over adjusted the springs with the alan key) and getting a bit excited.
It has probably took me 15 months off 15-25 minutes a day to get to this stage, with the odd break for holidays and the odd weekend were I couldn’t be bothered. With a lot more work to be done for further activations, I will be looking forward to using CW in the future. With my activation rate I should be
able to achieve 20 wpm before mountain goat.
So thanks to Roy G4SSH for your time and patience for my first CW QSO, hope there is more to follow and thankyou to the remainder of the chasers for making fun day on the bands.
Log for the day
12:44z M6UGX 7MHz SSB IO84MO
12:51z G6TUH 7MHz SSB
12:54z G4OBK 7MHz SSB PHIL
12:56z ON5SWA 7MHz SSB
12:57z EB2CZF 7MHz SSB
12:57z MW0YCC 7MHz SSB
13:01z EJ/G4ASA/P 7MHz SSB iota
13:04z G0RQL 7MHz SSB
13:05z M6RUG 7MHz SSB
13:06z M0NVJ 7MHz SSB
13:07z M6NHA 7MHz SSB
13:08z M3NHA 7MHz SSB
13:11z G0HRT 7MHz SSB
13:12z G8NVW 7MHz SSB
13:13z G4TQE 7MHz SSB
13:32z G4SSH 7MHz CW
14:50z G4BLH 28MHz SSB MIKE
14:55z G4BLH 50MHz SSB MIKE
15:17z KA1R 18MHz SSB
15:28z GM7KFS 5MHz SSB
15:30z G8VNW 5MHz SSB
15:33z G0RQL 5MHz SSB
15:34z G0TDM 5MHz SSB JOHN
15:35z GM4XQJ 5MHz SSB
15:42z G1SPC 5MHz SSB
16:05z EA2DZX 14MHz SSB
16:06z EA2DT 14MHz SSB
16:07z AO150I 14MHz SSB
16:08z OE3GGS 14MHz SSB
16:09z SU3BL 14MHz SSB
16:11z S57ILF 14MHz SSB
16:12z M6NER 14MHz SSB
16:13z RV9DC 14MHz SSB
16:16z SQ9MDN 14MHz SSB
16:34z M0MDA 28MHz SSB
16:35z G4OBK 28MHz SSB PHIL
16:42z G4TJC 28MHz SSB
17:12z G0RQL 144MHz SSB
17:14z G3RMD 144MHz SSB FRANK
17:18z M3NHA 144MHz SSB