Advanced Exam Passed

I passed the Advanced exam, but unfortunately M0EYP is not available. M5EYP, M0JJR, M5JJR, M1JJR, M0JIM, M5JIM, M1JIM, M0JRD, M5JRD and M1JRD are not available either. I decided in the end not to choose a callsign and just get whatever callsign Ofcom give me. I got have now got an Advanced callsign of M0HGY. My Intermediate callsign is 2E0EYP and my Foundation callsign is M3EYP.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:
Well done jimmy hope to work you soon with your new call sign DAVE M3XIE

In reply to M0HGY:

Brilliant! Well done Jimmy. Knew you would pass.


Richard G3CWI

In reply to M0HGY:

Congratulations on passing your advanced exam, Jimmy…

73 Mike

In reply to M0HGY:

Well done Jimmy, another new Callsign to try to remember:)

In reply to M0HGY:
Well done that lad! Wonder if M0EYJ (Ever Youthful Jimmy) was available?

73 and here’s to our first QSO with your new call.

GM4COX - (Trying to stay youthful)

In reply to M0HGY:

Jimmy M0HGY,

Congratulations … well deserved.
CW next (hint hint) … :slight_smile:

Looking forward to our next QSO.



In reply to M0HGY:

Many congratulations, Jimmy, and bad luck on not finding the callsign you would prefer.

Hope to speak soon from (or to) a summit somewhere.


In reply to M0HGY:

Congratulations Jimmy. Very well done. I’ll never remember the call sign!


In reply to M0HGY:

have now got an Advanced callsign

Full callsign. :slight_smile:

Very well done Jimmy.

Morse next young man.


Thank you all for congratulating me on on passing the Advanced exam. My Dad M1EYP emailed and mentioned that my callsign can be remembered as Mike Zero Hungry Greedy Youth.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to MM0FMF:

Well done Jimmy, a very quick succession to your Full Licence!

I didn’t think it would be long before the cries of ‘learn CW’ came your way, I won’t add to them! Enjoy your new privileges.

Colin, M0CGH

In reply to M0HGY:

I passed the Advanced exam


Interesting to see how far down the trail the “next available” suffix has got. Back in February when my local club was trying to get a club callsign the trail had reached about M0HCU.

73, Rick M0LEP

Hi Rick and Colin,

Thank you for congratulating me. Earlier on this year, Advanced callsigns were issued in the “I” series. I was expecting a suffix starting with “I”.

Jimmy M0HGY

In reply to M0HGY:

Advanced callsigns were about

FULL callsigns.


In reply to MM0FMF:

FULL callsigns.

Hi hi… this appears to get you going Andy :slight_smile:


In reply to M0HGY:
Congratulations Jimmy!

What did you think was the toughest part of the exam? I’m studying slowly… In between practising my morse (even more slowly).

I am also looking at doing the RSGB distance learning course starting in January.


In reply to M0HGY:
Welldone Jimmy ,Many congratulation`s.

In reply to 2W0GDA:

Why is it that when we sit & pass an Advanced Exam we get issued a Full Licence?


Hi Viki, Gerald and Bob,

Thank you for congratulating me.

I did the Advanced course at the Macclesfield and District Radio Society. I found it difficult to start with, but these sessions were useful. I did a lot of Hamtests and QADV which I found useful. I passed all the pass papers on the RSGB and QADV websites. I also passed a mock exam that I did at my local radio club. I do not recommend getting the Amateur Radio Exam Secrets book to use for Advanced studying. I answered all the questions in this book and I got a lot of wrong answers. When I showed these questions to my tutor, I was told that I would not expect these type of questions to be in the exam it self.

Jimmy M0HGY