40m SSB - VK1 to EA and G

Hi folks

Success this evening on 40m SSB from VK1 Mt Ainslie VK1/AC-040 to Europe and the UK. My only problem was S9 noise around the east coast of Australia. John ZK1BYZ also reported strong noise at his QTH in ZL.

If not for the strong QRN I would have worked more EU stations. My two EU contacts on 7.090 MHz SSB were Jorge EA2LU @ 07:07 UTC and Mike 2E0YYY @ 07:13 UTC. I could tell there were other stations calling me, sorry I couldn’t make out the callsigns.

My rig is a FT857D @ 40 watts into an Inverted V 40m 1/2 wave dipole (resonant antenna) at 8 metres above ground level.

Wade VK1MIC joined me for a dual activation, working VK5 stations. A big thanks to Andrew VK1DA/P for a local S2S between Mt Ainslie and Mt MacDonald.

This 40m SSB experiment sets the scene for 6 April 2019.

73 Andrew VK1AD


Couldn’t hear you Andrew but could hear some of the chasers OK in VK2/Sydney. Horrible electrical noise from big storms locally unfortunately.

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hi Andrew,

well done with those sub contacts on 40m. I didn’t ask what rig you were using, it didn’t sound like the 703.

I made a few contacts from Mt McDonald, one into Europe, one into Japan, but didn’t hear Mike or any other SOTA op from EU. While you were working on Ssb I was down on cw running the CQ memory. Local contacts were Gerard VK2IO, Peter 3PF, Allen 3ARH and Ian 5CZ. John ZL1BYZ worked me on two bands just to be sure, 30m signals were quite low, but as I had set up the vertical for 30m I could compare it with the doublet. The vertical received and transmitted better. One JA on 30m. The rest of Japan was on 10.120 calling a v73 or someone, there were a hundred of them spread over a few kHz, some with big signals too.
80m provided 3 or 4 of the contacts. Peter 3PF was s5-ish, showing that even a decent home station isn’t always strong on 80m in these conditions. However we did exchange signal reports.
This was my second activation using the kx3, still getting used to it. I like the 220 mA current drain on receive. less than an 817!



Huge storm this evening off the coast of Southeast Queensland (VK4). Distance is close enough to VK1 & VK2 to cause significant QRN.

Andrew VK1AD

one of the vk4 microwave guys was happily looking forward to some rain scatter conditions. It’s an ill wind…

“Bands are dead, don’t bother…”
VK1AD working 2E0YYY ON 40m from VK1/AC-040.

Taken by me Wade VK1MIC. While watching.


Hi Andrew, every day between 0700-0800 UTC I have my daily walk, but, yesterday as I have planed and activated EA2/NV-095 I was at home and check the bands before go. It was NIL on 20m LP, but 40m were surprisingly open,before you I worked the other Andrew VK1DA on CW very quick and easy, then qsy to your QRG were you was chating for a while with local ham, fortunately your signals were solid without QSB and finally QSO was complet. Thanks you very much for QSO!!. I had the prize of chase two DX SOTA before leave home to my summit activation.
Again thanks and see you on the bands.