05/09/17 Mt. Grignetta I/LO-323

Hi at All!
Yesterday it was sunny, afterwork I drove down to Pian dei Resinelli, from here I started to climb up Mt. Grignetta I/LO-323, I reached the summit at 17:00 UTC.

The sky was clear and a cold wind was blowing.
SSN was increasing 122 and SFI 139.

After mounting antennas for vhf and hf, I started calling CQ in vhf; I managed some QSO in ssb. I think that I was wrong to install butterfly vhf antenna. For the orizontal polarization I should’ve rotate by 90 degree but however it worked anyway. What do you think about??

I QSY on 20mt, I heard some big station from N & S America calling CQ with a great pileup… I didn’t even try to call.
I started to calling cq on 14.285 and with the aid of sota spotter app, I contacted G,OK,ON,DL,LB,EI,SV,SP,I, stations.
I tried to QSY on 40meter band but I gave up to calling due to QRN & QRM.

Many thanks to all chasers!
see you soon!
73 de IW2OBX Roberto