ZS SOTA Autumn weekend

The ZS SOTA Autumn Weekend will be this weekend the 4 & 5 May 2024.

Looking at the weather predictions for the weekend, it’s going to be sunny and pleasant day.

If you haven’t planned on activating a summit, there is still time and if you can’t activate, please join in the fun by chasing the ZS activators who venture out.

There are 14 possible summits to chase, 4 of the summits will be activated on the Saturday & again on the Sunday by different activators. In total 130 chaser points.

This is fun day out in nature and not a competition, each participant will receive a certificate whether you activated or chased those activating summits.

For activators, it is fun to see if you can make summit-to-summit (S2S) contacts with other activators and how many chasers you can get in your log, there should be a lot of opportunities for DX contacts on 10m.

Operating frequencies will be all the HF bands and 2m VHF


Thank You Adel for the information of the ZS Sota Autumn Weekend. I hope there will be suitable Radio conditions. If so I am Sure there will be many Chasers from the UK. Best Wishes to all the ZS Activators. have a Wonderful Weekend. 73 de Paul M0CQE.

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Thanks Paul. Hoping band conditions are favourable for DX

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Thank you to the ZS stations for the Summits to Summits I had today from UK to SA on 10m:

From May Hill, G/WB-019:

ZS6LZ on ZS/KN-153
@ZS5AYC on ZS/KN-070

and from Aconbury Hill, G/WB-024:

@ZS6FY on ZS/MP-053

Thank you all, especially for ZS6FY where we had some challenges getting there with other stations and QRM. It was most excellent, conditions were very good considering !

Working conditions, my end: 10W, Xeigu x6100 and a 1/4w vertical . I started with an End fed but was not punching through, and put the vertical up when I could hear ZS6LZ. Teenage bulls on this summit were taking a keen interest in SOTA activities and my wires, which was a distraction:



I was on I/LO-297 with ft-857d and 30-50 watts. I listened only ZS6LZ at 14:00 14:30 utc on 10mt ssb, but I didn’t manage to put him in my log.


They are Scottish Pandas :rofl:


I was chasing Phillip ZS6FY for about an hour, but couldn’t get through with my setup (5w, Inv. V). His signal was 4/4 on peaks with heavy QSB. I heard Tim’s QSO with Phillip.




Thanks to you all for your activation’s, I could only really do the Saturday and band conditions were not great here on the West Coast but a couple worked on 28mhz with my Vertical, ZS6LZ 2x Summits & ZS6FY 1x Summit. I look forward to hearing you again soon.

73’ Don GW0PLP (IO72RC)