Zero points on 8+3 pointer S5/KS-020 on 02/02/2021

S5/KS-020 is a very popular and crowded summit, easily accesible by cable car and ski lift which take you right into the activation zone. This year a negative Covid test is required for this option (indoor test for outdoor activity? No, thanks). Instead, we took a walk/ski walk from the other side walley. It is 4,7 km long ratrack wide path of 470 m ascent.

I was in company with my xyl and my doughter, so no option for HF activation. I am sory for this.

Weather was very very nice, and landscape of Mala planina and Velika planina is something special.

SOTA wise, activation was a success, 14 qsos in 17 minutes on 145.550 FM, first of them with my friend Bojan S56LXN/P on S5/RG-010. No activation point for me (second activation of this summit this year) but earned 4 S2S points thanks to Bojan.

Ski part of the trip on two days old 15 cm of fresh snow was great fun. There were still some patches of untouched slopes, the rest of descent was slaloming on the two ski lenght wide ratrack road.

Short ski video

All in all 5 hours fun in a beautiful nature.

Mirko S52CU


Fantastic WX and photographs MirKo. It has been sleeting and rain here for days. Good WX makes up for the zero points, but also sweetened by the S2S points.
Hope to catch you again post lockdown.


Thanks David,

Yes indeed, points are not so important. I dont do much activations during winter snow time, I prefer skiing and ski touring instead. This year we have a lot of nice WX and a lot of snow in the hills and mountains, but there it is also Covid time. For recreation activities we are restricted into regional borders, so most of interesting places are not reachable :disappointed: At least we have Velika planina (S5/KS-020) in my region. So we have had many family trips with doughters and grandchildren in this area this year :smile:.
Thanks for many qsos so far David and hope to meet you on air again.


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Hello Dr Mirko
I hope to meet you another time at " Velika Planina"
Nice video
alain f8feo

Hello Mirko, great photos. Tell me, what was the camera you used?

73 de Geoff vk3sq

Hello dear Alain,

I hope we can meet again this year after Corona lockdown. For shure, this time we must go to Velika planina!

73, Mirko

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Hi Geoff,

Thanks for your comment. Photos nr. 1, 3 and 4 were taken with my Samsung Galaxy A71, photo nr. 2 and video were taken with my doughter’s IPhone 11.
Hope to hear you on summit when conditions improve in coming new solar cycle.

Mirko S52CU

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