Z3 activations:

16.05 2010, my second activation of Topolchanski Rid - 848m, Z3/WM-048

After a period of one year I came back to activate this summit. The ascent from the parking lot lasted 20 minutes (an improvement of 10 minutes from the last year). Strong wind forced me to quit activation without moving to 10 Mc. A total of 40 CW QSOs were made on 7 and 14 Mc including two s2s with S53X/p and OK1HCG/p, using max 7 w and low mounted Inv-Vee.

See the first 3 photos:

                                                   Vlado, Z35M

The 101. activation on 04.11.2012 from summit of Vodno, Krstovar Z3/WM-046 was remarked with achiеving a total of 5000 QSOs from this summit, all on HF (for period of 3,5 years). This summit (1066 m) has the largest number of activators QSOs among the summits higher than 1000 m.


Vlado, Z35M