Yr Aran GW/NW-019

I’m just back off the mountain, enjoying lunch in the warm :smile:

I’d like to apologise for leaving a few chasers unanswered on 30-m CW. I was having trouble picking out calls and was getting cold. Then the antenna collapsed partially. It was still working Ok but it looked like the wind would soon tear it down. So I decided to call it a day and QRT.

Before it collapsed!

Also sorry for the lack of SSB. 30m was not intended - I must label my antennas :wink:

I’ll write a report later.

73, Simon


Ah. Nothing quite like getting set up on a summit and finding you’ve not quite got all the bits you need… Glad you managed some sort of activation.

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That is a gloomy looking North Wales. I hope next weekend will be better. Poles do seem to be behaving badly at the moment in these condx.

It does look like its warmed up since December though :smile:


Well I could have done with another layer. But it was the wind that was the weather headline. Looking at my anemometer in the valley the speed there actually dropped during the activation, so I guess it could have been a lot worse.

I have written this up now, along with yesterday’s activations of Moel Famau and Foel Fenlli:

Trouble with wind

Thanks everybody.

73, Simon

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