YO8SEP/P Activation Report: YO/EC-143 and YO/EC-012

Last weekend I went to Izvorul Muresului hiking with some friends.

Friday - YO/EC-143
Me and XYL arrived there on Friday around 10am local time and started our hike to YO/EC-143.

There was some snow but it was ok. The weather was nice, just 1-2 degree above zero.

I found a nice place and starting activation around 1045 UTC using my vertical fishpole antenna.

50 minutes later I had 46 QSOs in my Logbook

Saturday - YO/EC-012
Saturday we went to Piatra Singuratica and then to Hasmasul Mare *YO/EC-012".
Start of the trail was a bit hard because of ice and slope, but in about 2 hours we managed to get close to Piatra Singuratica and there was some fog/clouds.

Leaving Piatra Singuratica, the weather started to be better
The sun was starting to shine…

and we continued our hike…

close to the summit we found some “black mountain goats” :smile:

Arrived at the summit, I started to activate while others were taking pictures, eating, resting …

After activation, we started our descent and some found a faster way

I wasn’t so lucky with Elecraft KX3 and a fishpole at the bottom of my backpack

Initially I wanted to activate YO/EC-150 Suhardul Mare, but the group wanted to hike the smaller summit Suhardul Mic (Mic = small, Mare= Great/Big). So, I’ve decided to hike with them and activate YO/EC-150 other time.
It wasn’t a SOTA activation, but still want to share some picture with you:

On the photo above you can see YO/EC-055. Will try to activate that, but I need to get some access permission

THANK YOU to all the chasers and hope to hear you again from another summit.



Looks great! I would love to go there on cross-country skis,it looks perfect for it!