Yesterday's activation from G/LD-013

Hello Everyone,
I would like to thank all of the chasers and the S2S calls yesterday, conditions on 40m meant that I could not find a clear frequency for a long time. However, I have achieved my goal for the Year and have reached the 100 point mark.
The mast fell down twice due to gusts, but helpful fell walkers helped me get it back up……

Happy New Year everyone.

Some photos can be found here

In reply to G7KXZ:
Looks like I just made it into your log as the last entry. I recall you went silent after our contact so perhaps the mast collapsed again? Anyway thanks for coming on 40M, I miss out on chasing many G/LD summits as the activators are on 2M only.

73 Andrew G4AFI

PS the flickr link doesn’t work for me

In reply to G4AFI:

Having carried my rucksack up many of the fells I can see why………

Yes after the third collapse I though it wise to retreat…

In reply to G7KXZ:

Thanks for the contact, Kevin. Just for reference, a short distance down from the summit on the south side is a pair of smallish boulders sticking out of the turf with a gap between them just big enough to poke the end of the roach pole into, in calm conditions it is then well supported! This also gets you clear of the inevitable summit crowds.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Hi Brian,
thanks for that, trouble was the wind direction was mostly South to South west! I took refuge on the NE side alongside the main path coming up. Much to the surprise of the walkers in the mist :slight_smile:


In reply to G7KXZ:

Can’t blame you! Last time I went down that way it was sheet ice, I had gone up by the rough steps from the NW side of Levers Water and the black ice on top came as a nasty shock!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G7KXZ:

Hi Kevin

Well done on achieving your 100 activation points goal.

Thanks once again for another S2S and for valuable points on my journey to 1000 s2s points.

Take care and I look forward to many S2S contacts with you in 2014.

Happy New Year everyone.


Allan GW4VPX