Yaesu FTX-1F, a new QRP rig! (Part 1)

Interesting news… available early 2025!

We are pleased to introduce the new YAESU FTX-1F, All Mode QRP HF/50/144/430MHz 10W transceiver with optional automatic tuner. The new FTX-1F will be available early 2025 .


Interesting release (or leak). I guess it will be officially made public on the Tokio Ham Fair 2024 (this weekend 24th / 25th of August) and so I expect more infos soon.

We will see how the form factor looks like. First impression is a bit like a smaller FT-710

Calculating from the given screen size the front will be about 200 mm wide x 75 mm high.
This makes would make it sizewise very close to the IC-705.

But let’s see…



Certainly one to keep an eye on!


No mention of weight with/without ATU and battery.

Let’s have a poll:

How much do you think an FTX-1F with ATU and battery will cost?
  • Under £1400
  • Under £1500
  • Under £1800
  • Under £2000
0 voters

Thank for exposing this new “shack in a small box” transceiver @YO8VET. I would rather see a few programmable knobs on the front myself rather than the big screen. A waste of space for SOTA/P use and you’ll be paying more for it I’m sure. Not like the FT-710 which I have. That rig only goes up to 70 mHz. It could come in at around £1100-£1200 I imagine? (Without ATU).

73 Phil


I think there’s a logical error with this poll.


I couldn’t be bothered typing the greater than bits… I assumed the clue would be strong with SOTA hams to figure that out!


There is more information in the Martin Lynch & Sons website Colin posted above, but I found this bit interesting:

“An optional Automatic Antenna Tuner can be attached to the rear of the transceiver with the 5670mAh high-capacity Li-ion battery pack. The optional Cooling-fan, which is necessary for comfortable FT8 operation, can also be combined with the antenna tuner. (All-in-one rear panel design)”


It looks to be the same front as an FTM-500. I wonder what the back will look like and how much it will weigh?

I can’t see much difference in capability between it and the old 818, other than being SDR and having a fancy screen, if that’s important to you. C4FM and 10w on an external supply too, although I can’t say I’m noticing much difference between the 10w KX-2 and the 6w I had with the 818.

Where’s the ‘wow’ factor? Maybe if we get 70MHz on the UK versions…or it costs half that of an IC-705 perhaps?

I’m still pleased to see Yaesu have done something to replace the 817/818, but I wonder if this FTX-1F will be quite as popular as the older radio? I bet I couldn’t use this for three years and sell it for more than I paid for it, as I did with the 818 :grinning:

73, Simon


:rocket: whoosh :rocket:

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Too much - I’ll stick with my less-than perfect Chinese G90 - something I can still just about afford.


I’m not excited. It’s probably a nice device, but it doesn’t seem portable, lightweight, or rugged enough for my taste. It feels like a 705, just five years later. Plus, it looks more like a shiny, plasticky HiFi device. I prefer something with a more rugged military style, like my TX500 :laughing:


I have no doubt that the FTX-1F will be a good radio, but with two independent receivers and the other bells and whistles, it will be quite expensive. More expensive than an IC-705, I presume.


I have enough trouble trying to remember how to “drive” my 817 on an activation (need to get out more), so for this rig I would no doubt need extra time to reacquaint myself before making contacts. I suppose the same could be said of any modern rig. I can’t say the aesthetics of the FTX-1F appeal, but that’s just me, a lover of 80s rigs with no menus. :hushed:


It’s SDR so that’s just software and a fast enough DSP. The cost will be the power needed. I’ll bet you the current consumption will drop noticeably when only 1 receiver is enabled.


Yeah ok SDR is a good improvement Andy, I agree, but as others have said, that isn’t new. Elecraft et al have been doing that for what, 10 years or more?

This is just an IC-705 with another badge. Oh and Yaesu’s proprietary digital mode instead of Icom’s of course… :roll_eyes::crazy_face:

Can it make a cup of tea on the summit? That would be impressive :rofl:

73, Simon


From the basic specs we have so far it seems that it could be useful for portable satellite ops with the twin receivers. If it is full duplex it would be worth consideration for me.


Might be a reward for my MG2 pending next year.


Sounds like it - if you use it for FT8 without the optional cooling fan.

Speaking of FT8, hopefully it has a built in USB sound card or allows you to connect audio from a phone/tablet via Bluetooth. And CAT control via Bluetooth.


Preliminary Information pdf at DX Engineering suggests ATU with 5.76 Ah battery as optional extra