Wx situation southern Bavaria / northern Tyrol

Hi all,

after very comfortable wx on thursday the temperatures dropped down by at least 20° yesterday afternoon in company with heavy rain, hail, thunderstorms, snowfall below 1800m ASL and visibility almost at zero. What a summer!

73 Bernhard DL4CW

In reply to DL4CW:

It`s 10C, very dark, windy & raining here :frowning:

In reply to DL4CW:
Hallo Bernhard.
Sad reading. Sorry for you.
It’s raining in my QTH too, today. But so far we had a very nice summer - and the German tourists seem to be very happy.
Things will change also in DL, for sure.
See you from your next summit.
By the way: Me and my wife have tickets and hotel in Oberammergau next summer for the “Passionsspiele”. We have been in Oberammergau many times, as instructors for training of dogs.
Is there an “easy” summit near Oberammergau?
Liebe Grüsse

In reply to LA5SAA:

Very sorry Mike, I haven’t done any summits around this particular place and thus can’t tell, but you might try to contact the regional manager, surely Joachim DK3HJ will be glad to answer your questions.

73 Bernhard DL4CW

In reply to LA5SAA:

DL/EW-001 Wank isn`t too far away & I believe there is a cable car to the summit complex.

In reply to LA5SAA:
Hi Mike
DL/AM-004 seems to be very close to Oberammergau. Not sure how access to summit is. You might find more info on the internet. Hope to work you from Germany.


In reply to LA1ENA:


if you choose Wank and can’t walk up all the way (2 hrs) please consider taking the cable car half way up only (Mittelstation). The remaining way up is beautiful (better than the summit), there are rest places (Sitz-Baenke) regularly, too - uncommon here in the mountains.

Viele Grüsse,


In reply to DF9TS:
Hi Bernhard, Steve, Aage and Gerd.
Thank you very much for your answers. Since we and my wife (fortunately :wink: are getting older and older, we cannot do the long and difficult walks any longer.
But your answers were inspiring.
We are going to Germany by car, so it shouldn’t be a problem to bring radio equipment with us. And we may take a longer holiday (3 weeks?) in Germany to activate several “easy” summits.
I will start investigation and planning.
See you on the bands.
PS: Right now it’s raining cats and dogs here. But we need rain…

In reply to LA5SAA:

HI Mike,

it’s amazing! You are going to visit Germany, and we are planning our trip to Norway/Sweden in August…

Anyway, let me give you some recommendations.

DL/AM-004, Kofel could not be the best choice, because the summit has difficulty level about I/II. Look here Der Kofel - ein Klettersteigberg, auch genannt das Oberammergauer Matterhorn

But try AM-006, Sonnenberg. It’s a nice lonely walk from Oberammergau.

I would highly recommend AM-058, Hörnle, it’s quite easy and the view is great! And there is a cable way close to the summit http://www.hoernlebahn.de/

DL/AM – 104 is an easy one but not really exciting.

DL/AM-060 has a cable way, too.

DL/EW-001 is the right choice like Gerd DF9TS already said.

DL/WS – 001 is the highest summit in Germany having the cable way going directly on its top. It’s quite expensive but you will be rewarded by a fantastic view if the weather is kind. Look here http://www.zugspitze.de

Mike let me know about your plans, maybe we can manage a date to meet some day and activate a summit together (email @ qrz.com).

73 de Dzianis, DD1LD
Association Manager Deutsche Alpen

In reply to DL4CW:

Hi Bernhard,
we had a very heavy thunderstorm yesterday in Munich. Today – all day raining. The weather is going crazy…

73 de Dzianis DD1LD

In reply to DD1LD:
Hello Dzianis.
Thanks for this interesting info. I have been printing it out and put it into my SOTA-book for preparations.
I will contact you next year before we go to DL.