WW II, Climbing and SOTA

My yesterday’s activation was on Monte Freidour I/PM-412 (1451 m – 4pts). This is a nice summit with space to put any sort of antennas. There are some trees with a fresh shadow to install the rig. Also some big rocks for chairs and table with easy support for a mast.

A bar with fresh beer is not yet installed but I provided in another way (double thermal container!!)

On this summit a RAF airplane crashed on October 13th, 1944 due to bad weather in the night. It was parachuting war material to italian partisans. A monument was erected to remember the airplane crew dead in this accident.

The rocky wall on south of the summit is a climbing wall (Rocca Sbarüa) well known from Italian and Turin climbers. The longest routes end few meters down the summit. So Monte Freidour and Refuge Melano, at the base of Rocca Sbarüa, are frequented all year long (if no snow or ice).

I used a fishing pole of 6m to support my linked dipole for 7-10-14 MHz. I collected 60 qso in about 1h30’ operating in CW with a SW-3B and finally on 144 MHz FM with a handheld INTEK (Baofeng) radio.

No many S2S but I’m not searching for them. OH, SM, GM were the best DX with good reports. A very fresh beer after the QRT was the icing on the cake.

73 to all.

Claudio IX1IHR


Thanks for the report. I would like to have done the activation with you but have a local vino after the trip.


Thanks Claudio for this nice report.

With about 30°C external temp the local wine is not refreshing as wanted!

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Nice photos Claudio. Appears the hike and the memorial surroundings of that B24 from WW11 were well worth the climb for your activation.
All the best from Arizona. 73.
Richard N6PKT

Indeed a nice and easy summit, best in winter, spring and autumn. A suggestion for GB people travelling near Turin.
Claudio IX1IHR

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Well done and thanks for the detailed report!