WS19 Activation tomorrow

That link is to a bandplan, nothing to do with what you are legally allowed to do.

Following the bandplan is nearly always a wise and sensible thing to do. But not mandatory in the UK.

Nah, it would never be heard in the QRM from those pesky CW operators!


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Hello Jonathan,

I heard you on 80 but carrier kept breaking. No copy on 60 and 40. A very worthwhile adventure and it will be interesting to read how you got on.


Interestingly in Germany if you join the national soceity (the DARC) one of the (legal) contractual conditions of membership is that you follow their band plan. Itā€™s one reason that I have cancelled my membership from the end of this year.


Hi Ed,

Thatā€™s quite a challenging membership condition.

Imagine the scene in court. Misleading Cases would have had a ā€œfield dayā€ with those rules.

What do they have as penalties? No s9 signal reports for a year? A dunceā€™s hat in all meetings? Being thrown out of the association?

Itā€™s a kind of big stick to wield in an effort to enforce a band planā€¦

Good luck - you might have to infringe the rules to be allowed to leave.

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2UH

I beleieve the contract states expulsion for breaking rules (whether there are warnings before that I donā€™t know).

Apart from the US, where the FCC control the band plan, I know of no other country where following the band plan is made such an important item. It is normally a guidline rather than a strict condition of national soceity membership. In fact it can even be considered law in Germany as it has a document defined by the government department (BNetzA) as well.

Leaving the society is made difficult by the fact that you have to give 3 months notice but you are only informed 6 weeks before your subscription comes up for renewal. So if you donā€™t watch the dates yourself, and miss the 3 months termination point, you have to pay another year and only then can cancel, for the end of the following years membership.

ANYWAY - this is way off-topic - sorry all.
