Wrong content-type for https://api-db.sota.org.uk/admin/swl_roll

When requesting e.g., https://api-db.sota.org.uk/admin/swl_roll?associationID=-1&year=2023 the content-type of the response is set to text/html; charset=UTF-8, while the content itself is valid application/json.

While modern browsers correct this error, it is not so simple to use this call with scripts. Especially in Java, the combination of jackson, jersey and resteasy would require some crude workarounds to get object mapping to work.

The other endpoints (activator_roll, chaser_roll) correctly return application/json as their content-type.

It would be great if this could be corrected; thank you!

#coach beard from Sorta Famous for Being Almost Famous

(It’s fixed now :slight_smile: )

Curious why you want to pull down the SWL roll, but also please bear in mind that api-db is a non-public API, and I reserve the right to change it at any point in time with no notice whatsoever to any users.