Wrong call DL/OE7HPI/p today

Hello OMs,
I was spotted today with wrong call.
Sorry, but it was me, John, DL/OE7PHI/p on DL/MF-115 14Mc SSB

There are often mistakes, because of our very similar callsigns.

OE 7 HPI is Holger, my friend
OE 7 PHI is me, John

So please listen carefully, if you hear an OE7 call on SOTA activation.
But never mind, just peanuts, Hi


In reply to OE7PHI:

Hello John, my fault and I apologise. I actually wrote everything down right with my pencil and screwed up with the spot. I also manage to do the same sometimes with some SV calls so you are not alone ;-). I will correct my log. Thanks for the summit.

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:
Does not matter, Mike. Can always happen in a hurry.
So I myself mixted names etc. Hi.
Good signal from you 2day, hope to hear you from another summit
Thanks, bye


In reply to OE7PHI:

Hello John, thank you for your forgiving me :sunglasses:

In activators logs I am sometimes recorded as G0 but at the time they repeated my call correctly as G6. ??

Yes you were very good signal as well. I only give true reports! At this end about 70-75W PEP to my SteppIR vertical which I was very worried about because of the high winds here in East Sussex. There was also a lot of snow. I live on a hill and there were big drifts.

I know that when we spoke you were getting wet so I hope you are nice and dry now.

Best wishes
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

In activators logs I am sometimes recorded as G0 but at the time they
repeated my call correctly as G6. ??

That’s a common transcription error caused by rain, cold, wind, sodden paper and thick gloves.

You want to see some of my logs!
There’s plenty of room for errors to creep in between 0 O D 6 P and Q!


In reply to G4ISJ:

Hello Pete,

“…That’s a common transcription error caused by rain, cold, wind, sodden paper and thick gloves.”

Yes I know. All has ended well.

Then there are the logs that become kites and fly away :wink:

Snow seems to have stopped here is East Sussex and now the freeze. All antennas seem to have survived the 60MPH wind gusts!

Mike G6TUH

In reply to OE7PHI:

with you two always helps me a “mnemonic”

HPI = Holger (the first letter in the suffix H, as Holger)

Regards Jörg

In reply to OE7PHI:

I often have the same problem, John. For more than 50 years, people have been calling me “G3NNY”!

G3NNY is my friend John from Luton. He receives a lot of QSL cards meant for me.

Walt (G3 N Y Y)

In reply to G3NYY:

I suppose that’s the problem when you share a (similar) callsign with someone well known.

G3WGV and G3WVG probably have the same problems.


Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:
Or myself with George GM4COK. In the early days when we were both very active on VHF Aurora CW contacts - a ‘DIT’ of a difference - the number of QSO’s we had to sort out - phew! Thankfully George has been resident in DU land for some years now.


Jack (;>J

In reply to GM4COX:

I used to get problems on the Sunday 5 megs net after the news as G8ABB was a regular there: a bit of noise on the channel and “ABB” sounds like “ADD” and vice versa!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Brian - I worked G8XDD from G/SP-002 last week - had to do a double take when entering in the database.

In reply to GM4COX:
The same here…

DL1DVE Tom :-))
So lsn lsn lsn…that´s the solution :slight_smile:

73 de Tom