Wot, no dits!

I was enjoying some fine weather and plenty of callers on Yr Aran today when the “dit” wire on my keyer broke again. I managed to finish that activation by holding the wire together. Nice to have a S2S with Mirko S52CU/P on S5/RG-054

When I got to Snowdon and set up ready for HF the keyer just wasn’t producing any dits at all, so relunctantly I had to pack up the HF gear away. I only made a couple of 2M FM contacts so I was quite dissapointed not to qualify the summit. Appologies for any one who was waiting on HF for me. The weather got pretty windy and cold on Snowdon so I didn’t want to hang around any longer.

By the time I got to the foot of Yr Lliwedd I was pretty tired and my legs and back refused the climb, so again sorry if anyone was waiting for me on 2m FM, another day!

Very clear day with plenty of views made for an enjoyable day out though.

Roger MW0IDX

Hi Roger

Sorry things didn’t work out very well for you on the radio today. I had a similar problem with my keyer a while back and I just used the dah side of the keyer as a straight key, the morse wasn’t pretty but it sort of worked. Also I am very surprised that you didn’t get your 4 contacts on Snowdon on 2m-fm. I reckon if one of those 2 contacts had put a spot on for you, you would have qualified the summit easily.


Hi Nick, I keep meaning to make a simple rugged paddle but haven’t had the time to do it yet. I’ll probably buy the replacement lead from sotabeams. Yes, normally I get plenty of contacts via 2n fm on Snowdon but the battery quit on me after the two qso’s. I have had the same battery in my kenwood handy for over 10 years now so I guess it’s time for a replacement. I might get a chance to activate Snowdon/y Lliwedd over Christmas.
Roger MW0IDX

FB Roger! Of course you will also get WB points if you do them over Christmas!
