Wooden Summit Crosses

Yesterday, I had a pleasant day on DM/BM-241 [Kreuzberg (Kreuz = cross, Berg = mountain)]. :grinning:

My activation was successful (harvested three winter bonus points! :wink:) despite some disturbance by a “pirate radio station”, broadcasting music and parts of a soccer match on 7.195 MHz in SSB. My apologies to those chasers who had to bear with me. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The weather turned from cloudy to sunny towards the end of the activation and I had the chance to take a few photos. While I looked at the summit cross, I realized that this is quite big.

According to an older newspaper report, it was built out of larch and is 30 m high. Since the vertical trunk is from only one tree, this raised for me the question if there were other wooden summit crosses of the same kind which are even higher.

Any idea?

73 de Peter, DM7KN


31.4 metre cross on Mt Davidson, which I’ve activated about 500 times. Wood with stucco coating W6/NC-423.



Hi Elliott,
Thank you for your response. Do you know by chance the type of wood the cross is made off?
73, Peter

Don’t know, but would guess redwood.

Hi Elliott,

Wow, this reminds me of a visit to the Redwood NP when we came up the 101 with our RV heading north. This is more than two decades ago, but I still remember the smell. It had rained some hours before we arrived at the camp ground, but then sun came out and dried the wood and ground. There was this very intense and specific Redwood smell in the air. The ranger sold us a pack of firewood and we had a wonderful evening at the campfire. Long time ago…

Lucky you… :grinning:

73, Peter


The trees are still there, with rain nearly every day for months. They wonder where you have been. Coming again? They understand high deutsch very well.


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