Wonderful Thought

I think that is a wonderful thought from our Romanian activators to dedicate their
activation today 11/08/14 to one of our fellow chasers Andy, MM0USU.SK.
Thank you all. 73 Don

In reply to G0RQL:

Hello Don
Yes very good indeed. I heard the dedication given by Sorin.
A generous thing to do.


In reply to G0RQL:
Hi Don/Mike

Did the lads mention this dedication over the air? Whatever way a great gesture for a sadly missed Chaser. I was out on Saturday on my second summit GM/CS-094. Lovely sunny afternoon but the wind - phew! - so no HF, could hardly keep myself from being blown off the summit so I had to qualify this one on 2M only. I was struggling for my fourth contact and had Andy been around he would have been there for me (;>(

ABW Andy’s funeral is this coming Wednesday.



In reply to GM4COX:
Yes Jack the dedication was announced over the air which included Andy’s call sign.Don

In reply to G0RQL:
Dear all,
Yes, as I have mentioned in my thread about YO Marathon in August, it was my will to dedicate this SOTA activation week to our dear Andy. I worked with him many times and it’s a big loss for me to not hear him again calling me…
If possible, please give the following picture to his family:
It was taken from YO/MC-007 Vanatoarea lui Buteanu, one of the highest summits activated. It’s only our small tribute to his loving memory.
R.I.P. Andy!

In reply to GM4COX:

Jack, can you do this?

"If possible, please give the following picture to his family:
http://share.pho.to/6mIvy "



Thanks very very much Jack for the email.
Best wishes