Wideband 10m QRM!!!

Since matters erupted in the Middle East yesterday an S9+ horrendous wideband data signal between 28350 and 28440 KHz has appeared. There are carriers approximately every 50 hz. The signals were there yesterday afternoon into the evening. They then faded with me, probably as propagation moved LF. This morning they are back in the same part of the spectrum making it unusable for amateur radio…

Take a listen please and compare notes, 0720z, 02/10/2024.

73 Phil G4OBK

PS I have reported this to the RSGB Intruder Watch.


Hi Phil,

This appears to be the Iranian OTH radar with its very distinctive sound:

Since the beginning of this year, I can hear it very often.

73 Stephan


The signal has been heard repeatedly for months now… it sometimes shifts a little in frequency and has also appeared in the CW range.

But it is also an indicator… whenever it got very loud, Israeli OM or OM from the Arabian Peninsula could soon be heard with good signals. :wink:

73 Armin


Thanks for the info Stephan.

73 Phil G4OBK

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I imagine that they will need that radar very soon!

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You’re probably right Brian, incoming incoming incoming…tin hats not offering much protection. A disastrous state of affairs for many citizens, and getting worse by the day.

At least the signal is not present everywhere on 10m, its still sat in the SSB section on the same frequency range, affecting around 120 KHz as it was earlier this morning.

73 Phil G4OBK


Ah, that explains it. I alerted for 28.350 for this morning, but didn’t try because of the noise, tried 28.440 & ended up on 28.520 for my first 10m activation. (Details of that to follow.) 73 all, John