Why do I want to buy so many ham radios?

Interesting blog by David, WK4DS on a topic that also plays a role in SOTA:

Peter DL3NAA


I don’t have an answer to that, but an alarming number of shortwave radios:
Elecraft K3 and KX3, MTR-3B, QMX (60-15), QCX-mini (20) and a pile of Rockmites and KD1JV direct conversion radios :see_no_evil: (Just recently sold my Ten-Tec Omni VI, though)

73, Roman


I’m down to 9x HF radios (3 used in the last week), 2x VHF handies (1 used in the last week), 1x VHF/UHF handy, 1x VHF/UHF/SHF handy, 1 VHF mobile and 5 uwave transverters (1 used in last week).

I sold 3x HF radios in 2024 so the shack feels quite bare at present :slight_smile:


I have far too many rigs, but most of them have been built or worked on by me. I feel invested in my radios.

Just recently I came to the conclusion that I had too many radios and I need to thin the herd, but deciding which rigs to let go is hard. A lot of my stuff is home brew, so I guess practically worthless. Other radios have different values attached, like the QCX mini 20 I built entirely on the summit of Great Whernside or the RockMite 20 that I built on Whernside and used to qualify to earn my Mountain Goat award. There’s the irreplaceable Mountain Toppers, which were rare in the first place and damn near unobtanium now (I have 3 built by myself and 2 LNR built ones.)

I haven’t counted my rigs but I wouldn’t be surprised if the number was around 50 or so. I have about 20 RockMites for starters. Then there’s about 7 or 8 QCXs.

I have the disease badly.


As soon as I saw the title of this post I thought of you Colin :wink:


“Why do I want to buy so many ham radios?”
because I can :slight_smile:
I’m still waiting for my dream radio to show up, KH2(KH1+12/10m)?