Which Band for a single-band CW SOTA TRX in Central Europe?

30 m also has my vote, consistent performer, Contest free.

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+1 for 30m - slightly more manageable antenna than 40m too.


I was going to make a not too serious suggestion of 15m - as it has been working very well recently. But I tried it this morning and it was dominated by Russian operators transmitting at 30+ wpm. I tried a CQ call anyway at my gentle 14 wpm and got a “?” back so fast it must have been at 35+ wpm. :slight_smile: That was the last I heard from them so I switched to 30m and it was much easier. So another vote for 30m. :slight_smile:

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Andy’s Anvil

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An EFHW would be fine. With my multi-band HF rig and its built-in ATU [a KX2] I activate occasionally with a 60/40/30/20 linked dipole but more often with either a 40/30/20 EFHW or a 80m-6m vertical.

I’m assuming taking your [30m] QCX 5W monobander instead of your bulky 1.3kg FT817 is cos it’s fun / a nice change / a small lightweight alternative - ideal for quick winter activations.

As it is QRP and has no ATU, I would go for a [30m] inverted V dipole for best efficiency. As 30m is a narrow band you should get a good SWR on any frequency. My UltraLite wire dipoles on a plastic winder with 10m of RG174 (so you can sit out of the wind) weigh about 450g and would fit in a small dry bag along with the QCX and LiPo.


Large or medium size?

Extra-large in my case.

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I’ve been leaving my anvil in the shack recently. I had a think about stuff that I take and never use. Strangely enough, I don’t think I’ve ever needed my anvil on a summit.

My anvil on G/LD-013

73, Colin


Why not really ON the summit?

I guess the 25m rule applies to anvils too :wink:


I think I’ve missed something… :cry: What’s the background to this discussion about anvils?

Mea culpa. I started it back in 2018 and it now has a life of its own.

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Why not: a new line in the SOTA program – SOTA-ATOS

SOTA-ATOS (SOTA with Anvil on Top Of Summits)

After 50 activations with bringing an anvil (at least 50 Pfund *)) on the summit you are an SOTA Anvil Tractor.

*) For those who don’t like metric units. Pfund is an old German non metric unit.

1 Pfd. = 1 lb. and 1 5/8 oz. (modern definition from 1854)

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Aahhh… That explains it!

Did you really take it up the summit…!?

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My vote is also for 30. All the reasons have been stated above. 40m would probably get more conacts, but 30m is always perfectly satisfactory down here in OE.
73 de OE6FEG


Sorry, there was a permutation in the acronym.

To complete this thread:

In 2022 until now I brought my 30 m QCX on 6 Summits, with different success, one time only 1 QSO but later more (6, 3, 2, 6). Fortunately I brought the first 5 times also my FT-817, so had more than 4 contacts.

On the last summit I could use only a 2 m Handheld (useless) and only my QCX and my new build EFHW for HF and got 16 contacts. So the QCX is regular in service now.

Thanks for all the suggestions made in this thread.

73, Ludwig