Where to report errors in SOTA data?

Hi all - please forgive me if I’m missing something obvious but we are traveling to South Dakota this week and I was searching for easy summits to snag while I’m there (it’s a family trip so no full-day outings this time). It appears that the GPS coordinates for Rankin Ridge (W0D/BB-089) are incorrect. My suspicion is that the longitude coordinate has an E where it should have a W.


Is there an official place to report this? I saw it was incorrect in the sota mapping project, but it appears that data is being pulled right from sotawatch.org.


Scott AD0EO

In reply to AD0EO:

The proper place to report it would be the Association Manager for South Dakota. That would be ND0C.

Vy73 - Mike - KD5KC.
El Paso, Texas - DM61rt.
W5-SOTA Association Manager.

In reply to KD5KC:

Hmm. Almost too obvious. Thanks!

In reply to AD0EO:


Contact the Region Manager in the first instance. In this case, Randy Shirbroun ND0C, according to the SOTA website.

But I agree - it looks like a simply typo on the longitude - the summit cannot be in Mongolia.


Peter VK3PF

In reply to VK3PF:

But I agree - it looks like a simply typo on the longitude - the summit cannot be in Mongolia.

…a simple E/W flip on the co-ordinates puts the pointer spot on a 5000ft summit in South Dakota. Lots of hills therabouts. :wink:

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to AD0EO:

I was sure I had fixed this sometime back. I had tried to fix it but never actually did the commit. Anyway it is fixed in the database now. It wont appear updated on SOTAwatch till Jon re-imports W0D, I’ll drop him a note to do that.

The data that the sota mapping project uses gets regenerated at 0417Z so that will get the correct value in about 9hours from now. Then when Rob’s code picks it up, the position should be fixed on the maps.

You can check the position is correct now by viewing the data at SOTA Database and selecting W0D, BB and scrolling down:

“W0D/BB-089 Rankin Ridge 1528 5013 43.6255 -103.4824 DN83gp…”

Now to work my way through 35+ unanswered emails from the weekend.


In reply to MM0FMF:
Is it easier if I make that an even three dozen, Andy? There is an unwanted triple scroll when manually entering the second part of an s2s contact in the database.

Or is that already on the to-do list?

Elliott, K6EL
Troublemaker #1

In reply to K6ILM:

Easy, get a bigger monitor! No scroll if you have 1080 or more pixel vertical resolution display.

Yes, it’s a pain and since I bought a higher res monitor I had forgotten about it.


In reply to MM0FMF:

Yes, it’s a pain and since I bought a higher res monitor I had
forgotten about it.

Another minor pain when entering chases is having to put in the date by hand. Since it’s nearly always “today” could we have a button that pre-fills the date please?

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Interesting! For me it is NEVER “today” as my activations are pretty well always on weekend or longer trips. I get my contacts into the paper logbook ASAP and into the database at some convenient time when I am back home.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Interesting! For me it is NEVER “today” as my activations

I didn’t say “activations” I said “chases”, when I am at home in the shack and chase a SOTA activation I nearly always log it into the SOTA database straight away.

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Sorry, Colin - but I’m even worse with chases: I wait until I’ve got a page full and do them all in one go. It’s a chore that I am not psychologically in tune with, I’m afraid.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8TMV:

I think it does that when you enter SWL chases by default. It’s no biggy to migrate that to the normal chase code as it’s mostly written.
