Where I am on the 12m-list?


I want to ask, if anybody can tell me, why I’m not in the 12-band-list in OE?
"12m Challenge Chaser Results"
I have only same QSO’s as an activator, but I don’t show it … ???
It’s not important, about it’s interresting for me.

73, Chris OE5HCE

In reply to OE5HCE:

Chris, there are no QSOs on 24MHz in any of your chaser/S2S logs. No QSOs = not in table.


In reply to OE5HCE:
Hi Chris,

That’s interesting. I had not realized that if you only activated and did not chase on 24 MHz you do not get listed. Your chasing log of course includes s2s contacts - if you enter them.


In reply to AX3AFW:

had not realized that if you only activated and did not chase on 24 MHz you
do not get listed

Why would you expect someone to appear in the chaser results if they haven’t entered any chases?


In reply to AX3AFW:

Your chasing log of course includes s2s contacts - if you enter them.

S2S is somewhat tricky as you have to upload these contacts twice. As activator and as chaser. I do not know whether one of Christian’s 22 12m activator QSOs is a S2S.

73 de Michael, DB7MM

In reply to MM0FMF:
Hi Andy,

I’m not saying that, just saying it’s not what I expected.

The post started with an activator who had made a number of 12 m contacts asking why his 12 m activations didn’t show up. You responded that he hadn’t uploaded any 12 m chaser contacts.

OK. Seemed a bit disconnected but you are the database man so that’s it.

I expressed surprise that unless you also enter some chaser contacts your activator contacts were ignored. I then commented that S2S contacts show up as chaser contacts, when logged of course. i.e. an activator can get chaser points during an activation.

I’m not saying that I would expect a standing in the chaser tables if I didn’t enter a chaser log. If it read that way I’m sorry.

I’m not complaining either, just expressing surprise as it wasn’t obvious to me that this is how the 12 m scoring works.


In reply to AX3AFW:


why I’m not in the 12-band-list in OE? “12m Challenge Chaser Results”


The post started with an activator who had made a number of 12m
contacts asking why his 12 m activations didn’t show up.
You responded that he hadn’t uploaded any 12 m chaser contacts.

Er no. He asked why he wasn’t in the chaser table (see above quote) and my reply you haven’t uploaded any chases. See makes perfect sense… upload a chase and appear in the table. Don’t upload any chases and you can probably guess the outcome! :slight_smile:

that unless you also enter some chaser contacts your activator
contacts were ignored.

They’re not. They’re separate. Completely and utterly.


In reply to MM0FMF:
Andy, Yes you are right. I profusely apologize for wasting your time.

I won’t bother with the convoluted details as to why I believed the reference really was to activating when it said chasing. It seemed clear at the time.

I think I need an early night.

73 Ron.

In reply to AX3AFW:

It’s useful discussion because it shows up were there may be issues about explaining how the functions and features work.

There is a FAQ, it’s empty. There is content for it but it needs a few evenings to sort out so it’s presentable. As such, it gets pushed down the jobs list as there are other items which are more important (in my view) to fix.

Still, we’re getting there it fits and spurts!


In reply to MM0FMF:

There is a FAQ, it’s empty.
I hereby resurrect my suggestion from two years ago that the FAQ be populated by “Wiki-Peaks”. The MT issues a weekly question, and we ducklings submit proposed answers. The best of said answers could be polished by former educators and scribes, like K7SO, K6DGW and K6EL…who understand the King’s English.

Just think, in half a year we would have 26 FAQ’s and the MT would not have been distracted from more important tasks.

There you have it. No charge for my suggestions, Andy. Workable suggestions cost more.

Elliott, K6EL
Chaser Clown

In reply to K6ILM:

The MT issues a weekly question

Why burden the MT with that task? Noobs issue “real” questions daily. There is no shortage of questions!

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

You can say that again, Richard!

It takes much longer to decipher some of the questions than it does to answer them, and most of the answers could boil down to “read the General Rules” and “read the website” if we were to be so blunt!

If we are brutally honest, there will be nothing in the FAQs that isn’t already covered by the website, the GR, the appropriate ARM or a dash of commonsense! Most of our answers consist of changing the pre-existing wording about until it fits in the appropriate space in the questioner’s brain!

I produced an FAQ file some time ago by the simple but lengthy procedure of trawling through a decades worth of queries to the MT and questions on the reflector. I then put it into the MT files so that each member of the MT could read it and add items or corrections from the perspective of their own specialisms. Bearing in mind that many of the MT are in full-time employment and that the day to day business of running and expanding SOTA makes them insanely busy in their spare time - and they, too, like to get on the air! - the process of readying the FAQ for its launch is only now reaching fruition.

Meanwhile, I have worked to bring the GR up to date and am now engaged in trying to produce a simple English version for people who have limited English skills. This is harder than it sounds!

In SOTA terms these things are sideshows. I hate to think how many man-hours goes into launching a new Association, and we seem to run at the rate of one every few weeks. Eventually we will have the whole planet covered - and will be up to our ears in revisions!

Brian G8ADD