Wheeshie a SOTA dog

After the sad and sudden demise of Rooster, Wheeshie, another SOTA stalwart, who accompanied me on all my outings while in Ireland was unfortunately run over last night and will no longer be sharing a Twix or KitKat with me on any more summits.
He managed to sneak himself into many of my photos and will certainly be missed next time I am over there.


In reply to G4ASA:

So sorry to hear that Dave - it’s bad enough losing a pal at anytime but very tough under those circumstances :frowning:


In reply to G4ASA:

Hi Dave,
How awful for you to lose Wheeshie in that way, I take my two dogs on nearly all my walks and although they can be a bit of a nuisance at times during the activations they are great company plus I feel that little bit safer when they are with me.

Think of the good times and hopefully the hurt will slowly turn to fond memories.

Very best Wishes,


Hi Dave

So sorry to hear about your loss.

All the best
Nick G4OOE